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Alison's POV
I sit in the living room texting Maddox but he doesn't answer, mom is pacing the room phon win her hands probably trying to reach Dash. My other sisters are sitting on the couch with there phone. We are all worried, Dash is our only brother. That's when all of our phone goes off. I open my phone and see a group chat with my sisters and our boyfriends. Miles was the first to text...

What a bitchy move Cora. We are over.

My eyes widen and I look over at Cora who eyes are also wide and full of tears. "No..." Cora mumbles covering her mouth. I look back at my phone and see Elliot typing, Willow stiffens next to me.

Willow I love you, but you hurt your own brother by not accepting him. I'm sorry but we are done too.

Willow let's out a sob. Oh god what have we done... Micah was next.

If you can't accept your own brother Serenity, how are you going to except me? Yeah I'm bi sexual. Goodbye Serenity.

"N-no, no, no" Serenity mumbles. I breath catches in my throat as I see Maddox typing. I have noticed him and Dash have gotten closer, shit I made a mistake.

Alison, Dash trusted you, hell you were his favorite sister. Now he won't stop crying. I won't lie Alison, the second I saw your brother I was hooked. I think I am gay for him. As much as it hurts me Alison, this is also goodbye.

A tear rolls down my face and Chloe stood up pacing and biting her nails, that's right Keith hasn't texted yet. Then he does.

I don't understand Chloe...you knew I was Pansexual and you accepted me. Why don't you except you own brother? We are over Chloe.

Chloe falls to the floor sobbing and she throws her phone across the room and it shaders. I guess Dash got close to all of our boy- ex boyfriends... "T-That little-" I stand up and stomp over to Cora cutting her off. "Shut the hell up!" I yell at her. "You are not the only one who lost something today!" I yell. I grab my stuff and walk out the door slamming it shut. We all just got dumped over text...
Dash's POV
I sit in Micah's lap my face in his neck, the tears just won't stop. "Pretty Boy, you are not alone in this okay. We are here for you" Micah whispers. He rubs my back softly and I clutch his shirt. "Am I-I d-disgusting" I ask looking up at him. "No, no, don't you think like that" He says cupping my cheek. "Dash, you are amazing" Miles says. I look over at him and he wipes my face. "There is nothing wrong with being gay" Maddox says from behind me. I wipe my face again and take a deep breath.

"I don't want to go back" I say. "You don't have to" Miles said. "You can live with us if you like Dash, but I will be heading back to Pairs in a few weeks" Maddox says. "Can I please" I ask glancing back at him. He smiles softly grabs my chin and kisses my lips. "Anything for you" He says. "Thank you, all of you" I say with a small smile. Keith grabs my hand with a soft smile. "Let's cheer you up, how about some ice cream?" He asked. My lights up and I smile. "Yes! I love ice cream!" I yell climbing off Micah's lap. Me and Keith rush off to Maddox kitchen. Maybe this won't be so bad.
This will be the only time I will switch POV's.
The reason I am uploading so much is because it's summer and I have the time to write so ya.
Word Count: 650

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