Chapter Eight

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They were waiting for him at the cave. Bask looked over their orders as the others ate. He was not pleased with them. They could find the piece of Lascraith easily enough. It was the blood mage he found troubling.

"Blood mages" he spat. "That's the last thing we need."

"What's your plan," asked Dagan.

  Bask stared at the scrolls. "We know the holder of the book in Sol. Olan, a wise but foolish man. Meet with Timmond at some point to tell him he changed his name to Gusten."

This was greeted with sniggering from the brethren.

Tucking this scroll into his pouch, Bask continued. "Brhom, Ratheke and I will handle the fool. Dagan you and Loth will begin the hunt for this blood mage."

"Do we have a description," inquired Dagan as he took the scroll from Bask.

Before he could reply, Brhom interrupted. "Bask, do you think it's the one Timmond was with when we captured him."

"Afraid so."

"You mean it's that bitch the King wants." Said Loth.

Bask nodded. "Timmond didn't give us much. Since she's wanted by the King it's safe to assume she'll avoid the cites."

"I remember her being pretty strong that night." Brhom chimed in.

"Useless lot of piss those soldiers were. Had those two idiots been guarding the alley, we would've had her that night."

Loth scratched his head. "If she had used her totem would it have mattered."

"Probably not. Right now, just try to track her down. We'll use theKing's soldiers for the capture or kill."

"If I remember the last one we fought was that weakling." Said Dagan, who had finished committing the scroll to memory. "Took out half our force before the lucky shot cut the totem from around his neck."

 They fell quiet as they remembered that fight.

Bask broke the silence "Best we just track her for now. Try to find out information about her totem."

"We find her totem, we can destroy her." Replied Dagan.


Brhom has always loved Sol, it was his favorite city and he was glad they were there. Even if it was just a quick visit. Bask had taken Ratheke to find out Olan's location, giving Brhom time to enjoy the city. He headed to the marketplace, the blood mage was strong on his mind. Finding the store he was seeking, he entered the apothecary. The smells of the herbs filled his senses, stepping up to the counter he rang the bell. The storekeeper came out from the back room carrying a mug.

"Good day sir, how may I be of assistance?"

Brhom took a list from his pocket. He had written down everything he thought they would need if they encountered the mage. "I need everything on this list."

Setting the mug down, the storekeeper looked it over. "Hmmm. I have most of this in stock. There's a few, I can only give you what you need, due to the rarity of their nature."

A large bag of coins landed on the counter. Along with two diamonds. Brhom looked the storekeeper dead in the eyes. "I'll take everything, you fill it if you want to live."

Gulping the storekeeper nodded. Taking the list he went about filling it as Brhom watched him mutter to himself. "Whats with these people of late. That's the second one who's threatened to kill me."

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