Chapter 8 - email sent to the school from my email address

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On the school bus just as I was walking with my friend her and I went and sat down, then Gina started blaming me for something I didn't do (I went and asked Miss Rachel if I could go to the toilet Veronica and Amy are witnesses to it) as soon as I stood up for myself and as soon as I went to the bin Alessia tried to trip me up and I obviously stood up for my self saying what the hell or something like that and Rosa said if I carry on she'll wrap her scarf round my face and I felt threatened I tried ignoring it but it just made me have a panic attack on the bus. They started on Charley having ago at her and saying things about her mum (this has been sound recorded) also I heard one of the 3 girls call me a bitch. Mike was standing up for me as well.

I was waiting with my friend and they walked ahead and as soon as my friend and I left each other I rang Martin and I was talking to him and the girls got to the pole by the church and waited for me I don't know why but they said something I had a panic attack as well. This is the second time this year that I felt threatened by one of Monica's friends, first I felt threatened by Monica and now I feel threatened by Rosa. Janice in yr 7 is a witness to this. I've had to deal with them before, but I feel that it's getting worse they haven't waited by the pole by the church for me before.

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