I was intimidated at first.

To a timid boy like me it was like standing before a god.

I wasn't intimidated by her necessarily, but by her aura.

A calm aura that seemed to quiet my thundering mind.

My rampant worries and anxieties fell silent when I sat next to her.

I remember tripping over my words, finding something, anything to talk about. 

The conversations started small at first, I gave her a glimpse into the worlds I had created.

Countless worlds that lived on in my soul.

I swear, when she looked at me she could see my soul.

It made me nervous and weary but she was always so kind and patient with me.

I let her get closer to me, closer than I've let anybody and in her i found my closest friend, biggest fan and greatest Inspiration.

Without my muse, my best friend, this dream of mine would have dwindled to embers long ago.

Thank you for everything.


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