Ch. 2

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"Stop Brooke! Slow down, please. It's not what you think." Kyle pleaded with me.

There was no turning back, I wasn't going to make that mistake again.

Kyle grabbed me tightly right before I could get away. I tried to get out of his strong embrace but he wouldn't let me.

"I swear I just need to explain, please calm down." Kyle cried out to me.

For a second there those dark blue eyes almost tricked me into letting him off the hook, but, I wasn't a beginner at this whole dating thing. I wasn't going to let him off that easily, he hurt me and I was going to hurt him.

"Let me go!" I yelled at him.

He didn't loosen his grip so I kicked his foot and the second his grip became less strong, I ran.
I crossed the street without looking and ran as fast as I could down the block. I could hear Kyle screaming after me and catching up to me. Even though he was the all- star quarter back of our high school, I was the fastest girl in cross country and was extremely in shape. After a few minutes and some sharp turns, I lost him.

I didn't know how to get home from where I was, but I just kept running. Finally I reached a dead end. There was nothing straight ahead except the woods and a quiet road to my left. I was looking behind me to see if Kyle was still coming. So far, no signs of him. I caught my breath and was about to pull out my phone to get me home when I heard him screaming my name, I looked back and ran. My eyes were on him as I ran across the street, seeing how far away he was from me. He was a good 20 feet away when he yelled to me. I slowed down because he was waving his hands rapidly and yelling loudly. I couldn't hear him but I kept looking at him. Then he was so near to me I could almost touch him.

I realized as I was being hit by the car that he was screaming for me to move out of the way. I remember a horn honking, wheels screeching, and my body being shoved harshly to the cement.

And then everything went black.

Before I tell you what happened next, we need to start from the beginning otherwise this story won't make sense. As the movie the Sound of Music once said, "let's start from the very beginning, it's a very good place to start." So because of this, I will tell you how all of this came to be...

(Read ch. 3 for the beginning) thanks 💝❤️😘

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