Part 9

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Xavier's Pov:

I was pissed at Brooklyn would be an understatement, here I am missing so much of my work just to clear our misunderstandings and she is saying I am just an acquaintance.

At least she could have said friend. I was so hurt, here I am trying to mend our relationship and all she is trying is to destroy it. 

Neil told me "Hey bro! She cares too or she would not have been affected. Give her some time she will come around."

I asked him angrily "Come around? Its been five fucking month and for her I missed so many meetings, just to make sure she stays healthy and maybe talk to me one day. I wasn't hurt when she told me not to talk to her, I get it she is younger to me and she was pissed due to misunderstanding. But after it is all clear can't she at least once talk to me or be nice for once? I am tired of trying man, I don't know now if I actually like her or not." 

Chole hit me on my shoulder and scolded me "If you have not liked her you would not have come here to clear misunderstanding. Stop hanging out with Neil, he did the same with me, left me when I was actually falling for him. When you left I saw her face, she cares but she is not good at expressing or she is trying to hide something. If she did not care she would have not cried like she did earlier, she would have not missed office and stayed home. Her eyes were fluffy, means she has been crying." 

A new voice said "She has been locked in her room for past three days. Why will she do that if she did not like you, you fool!" 

I turned and saw her cousin Will. He told me "She cares a lot about you. I asked her many times in this past four months to go out for lunch with me but she rejected saying she has work. I know what work she has. Your assistant Blake is my maternal side cousin and he told me that she eats lunch with you daily. She is going through some things give her time and be patient and she will tell you everything. I am sure she likes you as much as you like her."

I asked him "What things? What is she so stressed about? Why is she not telling me?"  

Will told me "I am sorry but I can't tell, it's her story and she will tell you just stay patient with her." I nodded and thanked him "Thank you for being there for her when I wasn't."

He told me "It's my job as her brother to be there. I promise you I will help you both be together again. I think you are perfect for her. I have been observing you for last five months and I know you will take care of her better than any guy we will try to find for her." 

After our little conversation we left for a press meeting. I was calm after talking to Will, I thought he will be the one who will pull us apart but here he is helping us.

The press meeting went by smooth and the press apologized for causing all the misunderstanding. I am happy to have Neil and Chole by my side, if it weren't for them I would have lost all hopes months ago. 

Next day during lunch I asked Blake to call Brooklyn up. She quietly came up and sat on the table like daily. Today instead of opening the lunch box she stayed quiet.

I opened her box and passed it over to her and started eating mine. I saw her playing with the food and not even having a bite. I was having a urge to ask her what is going on but stayed silent and watched her. 

After few minutes I saw tears flowing down her eyes and passed her my handkerchief. She took it and wiped her tears.

I got up and stood beside her chair, I side hugged her and asked her "Are you crying because I was angry on you yesterday? Please don't cry I am not angry at all, please eat something Brooke you are looking too weak."

She turned and tightly hugged me back, her face was now on my stomach and her hands around my waist. I stroked her hair and calmed her down "Whatever it is please tell me, we will figure it out together. I will always be by your side please tell me what is going on? Seeing you cry like this hurt Brooke." 

After few minutes she had finally stopped crying and moved away. I took her with me and made her sit comfortably on the couch. I sat beside her with her box of lunch.

I told her "Come on eat first then we will talk, I am breaking the pact of no talking from today onwards. From today we will communicate and you will tell me everything that is going on in your head." 

She nodded and asked me "Can I use washroom? I want to wash my face." I nodded and showed her the restroom.

As she went in, I called Blake and told him "Blake cancel all my appointments for today and don't let anyone come in. I don't want you to disturb us, even if my company is burning don't call me. Right now my wife is not well and she is my priority, so please manage everything for me." 

He agreed and I sat peacefully thinking about how a person can change priority. She was there with me for four years but I never paid attention and now that she left, I want her back and she has become my first priority.

I would have never thought that this day will ever come but Chole was right love changes people. Now I know why my best friend is so different than he used to be. God Brooklyn will be death of me. 

She came out and looked much better than before. She sat down beside me and quietly ate her food. She looked so innocent and fragile, I don't know how she survived this long all alone.

I promise Brooke I will never leave you alone after this. I won't let anyone ever hurt you and will feel your life with happiness. 

I was so lost while staring at her, that I did not even heard her calling my name until she touched my hand to get my attention. 

She asked me "What are you thinking? Why are you not eating?" I shook my head and said "Nothing and I ate earlier, I don't want to eat more." 

She nodded and kept eating her lunch. She looked so cute, I wish she shares all her problems with me. I wish we could start a fresh. 

I saw her packing the box and helped her to pack our lunch box. After she was done, she was about to leave I told her "Stay please Brooke! Can we talk? Why did you cry? Did I hurt you?" 

She shook her head and said "No you did not Xavier. You have work we can always talk later." 

I made her sit down and told her "I cleared my whole day schedule. I am free the whole day, now its your wish you want to talk here or somewhere out or at our home."

She said "Let's talk here only. I feel safe here."  Hearing her say that I was so confused, God Brooke what is making you feel unsafe?

Guys I am stopping the update here, as I have been updating daily and now I am on 9th part but still not getting any response. I think no one is liking it so I will stop here.

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