Part 12

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I was so badly hurt, when I was finally giving our marriage a chance Xavier had to go and sign those fucking papers.

I so hate him! The next day Xavier before leaving texted me "Hey! I am giving you space, will not call you or text as you want but please take your bodyguards with you always, I can't afford to lose you. I am in the plane about to leave, want you to know that I really like you and this time I want us to start properly and then get married. I am courting you from today in my own way. Bye! Will miss you a lot." 

Immediately a second text popped up "Hey ignore the news about my divorce! I made sure your name was no where in it. You are still mystery girl for them. My company needs you so don't your dare leave, even if Emily returns which she is going to from next week." 

I left the message on read without replying. I plan to reply after a week when I have fully accepted the fact that we our going to be normal couple like girlfriend and boyfriend for the time being rather than husband and wife.

Next few days passed by in blur I got too busy with work, Blake was in LA office managing Xavier's work. I had stopped going to Xavier's office to eat, if I go there I will miss him a lot and probably breakdown wanting him. 

Every morning when I would come to office my bodyguard would give me a coffee which is all I needed. I am pretty sure Xavier is making him do it. Blake made sure I eat in office canteen daily as he told me it was his boss's order. People have been talking about me and Blake a lot but he told me to ignore. 

In evening there was a fresh fruit juice for me send by Blake. It was Friday and Blake and I were eating our lunch when I told him "It feels like you are the one courting me." 

He laughed and told me "You sure are beautiful, but so not my type. I am happily married and me and my husband are planning to adopt a child soon."

I looked at him shocked and stated "I never knew you were married!" He laughed and told me "You never asked! Only a few people know I am married. Anyways no one knows that our boss is courting you and you like him but are in denial."

I rolled my eyes and said "I am not in denial its just that I am pissed at him for taking such a big decision of our life without even informing me first. I know he does not take orders or ask anyone for opinion being a boss but in our case he wasn't the boss and we are equal. You have been married you are probably understanding what I am saying." 

He nodded and said "I know! Give him sometime, he is new to all this and will need time to learn it. I have known him for 8 years now, but I have never seen him miss an important meeting. But for your lunch dates he had missed ample of them without caring. He will learn but you should also stay patient and make him understand his mistakes. I am not taking his side or anything but I am requesting you as his friend." 

I nodded and told him "I was planning to call him as soon as I return from my weekend trip. I am going to Las Vegas with Will tonight and we will come back Sunday night."

He asked me "Why Vegas?" I smilingly told him "My friends own a club there and moved there. Will is finally proposing Liam tomorrow and I am so excited to have him as my brother in law."

He nodded and we kept talking about my friends and their club during lunch. The day passed by soon and I left office early. 

Before I knew it we were in Vegas and we were staying at Liam and Lily's place. Have I told you they are twins? Anyways Lily is getting married to Victor her long time boyfriend and they will stay in Vegas to look after the club.

Victor who was our classmate in business school was now working as a model but plan to help Lily with club after marriage. 

The whole night all five of us kept talking and drinking. I felt like a third wheel between the two couples. I wish Xavier was here!

We were talking about random things when I made a drunk confession "I like Xavier!" Lily asked me "Then why did you divorce him?" 

Will asked "You said after I read the news about your divorce that you two are moving on. I did not asked further but what the fuck you mean you like him?" 

I told them "I told that because I was pissed at him for filing divorce without informing me. For past few months we have been having lunch together and talking a lot. He before leaving for NYC told me he will be courting me but I was angry on him and was ignoring him."

Victor asked me while my friends gave me you are dumb look "If you two like each other than why did he file divorce? You are not angry that he divorced you but because he divorced without asking?" 

I nodded and said "He had his reason and I support him so I am okay with divorce. I think now after this news Aria and her mom will finally stop, Aria messaged me after the news had spread that I did a good job of letting Xavier go. But I am afraid." 

Will asked "Afraid of what Brooke?" Liam answered instead "She is afraid of losing Xavier. Am I right?" 

I nodded and told them "What if now he is free and finds someone better? More beautiful and talented? He is in NYC if his family force him to marry someone else?" 

Will told me "I know him and he is a man of his word. Stop being worried about it and just talk to him about your fears. In any relationship communication is most important."

I asked him "It's been a week I am ignoring him what if he had already moved on? He did not even tried to call or text me." 

Lily said "Knowing you for years I am damn sure you might have told him not to call or text. Am I right?" 

I nodded and told "I told him I need space and in his last message he did say he will give me space. He told me to call whenever I am ready but I am afraid to call him." 

Lily hit me and said "Stop with all your what ifs and drink tonight all you want, tomorrow morning you are calling Xavier no matter what. It is already 10 pm now so I will not ask you to call him but tomorrow you will do it. God we need to start talking to you daily so that you stop being stupid." 

After that they all made me drink and forget everything until I was completely washed. At night Will dropped me in a guest room and left with Liam to his room. Victor and Lily were in one room and here again I was left alone. 

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