Tesla gets saved / conclusion

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Armstrong somehow climbed up the tree with ease and swiftness, despite being fuckin' MASSIVE. Tesla was just about to slip off the branch and DIE, but Armstrong caught Tesla with his massive hands. As they went down the tree together Armstrong warned "don't do anything this dumb again, got it?" Tesla came quick to reply with "Of course!" (Lying) They got down and everybody was happy. Doc wasn't even paying attention because he don't care about drama. They were about to head home but zero one pointed out, "Where is the frisbee?" Tesla requested, once again "I got i-" Doc interrupted with "Nope, Tesla, you are NOT getting stuck again...somebody else is getting it" Armstrong questioned "Bruh, It was for like $0.99 at Walmart, it was already broken when we brought it.." "ehh, good point" responded zero_one. Everybody was FINALLY happy, the end.
Moral of the story, if you are a 5 fort bassist that is a neon skeleton person, PLEASE NEVER climb tall trees for frisbees.

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