Meeting the Cullen's

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My name is Grace. I am a 235 year old vampire and I was turned when I was 18. I remember that night so vividly, my father wanted to take us to Rome for my birthday since it had been my dream to travel there since I was young but I had never had enough money scrapped together to go. On our first day there we saw a beautiful festival and tasted so many exotic foods. The last thing on our to do list for the day was get a tour around a huge castle, as we all walked through it we heard wild tales of vampires running the city. Personally I could not fathom the idea that vampires could even be real, as much as I loved reading books and fantasizing about being in a world with those angelic creatures it just was not possible. My first mistake was doubting the legends because I will never forget what happened next. All lights surrounding us went out and I felt a shearing pain run down my spine and all over my body. My eyes clouded over and everything else was a blur. I woke up the next morning on top of bodies with an unbearable hunger. That was when I was introduced to a whole new world of vampires, werewolves and so much more. The Volturi took me in when they had realized that I was still alive and I was apart of a new family. 

Alec Volturi was my best friend and I loved him more then I should have.  People used to say he was a monster disguised as an angel, but they didn't know him like I did. Alec saved me when I was a little girl. I learned from his sister Jane one night when she realized I had feelings for him. They both were trying to find somewhere to live peacefully and came across me playing on a bridge. My family was shouting at me to come home but I could not hear them stuck in my own reality, I made one small misstep and slipped hitting my head on the steel supports of the bridge and fell to the icy water bellow. Not thinking about what repercussions there would be if someone saw him he dove in to save me. That day was erased from my mind and my parents because Jane did not want us to remember that they were there. I realize now that because of that, my judgement was clouded and in my eyes he was the perfect boy, the one that could measure up to be my perfect mate. I didn't know that I had a little girl crush on Alec until I saw him kissing Sophie. He was my first love and in that moment I could see that he was never wanting a mate he just wanted to have a play toy. That moment was the first time I thought about leaving the Volturi and after clearly looking at their habits, it was obvious that they wanted to control everything and wanted to have all this power, they fed off of the humans fear and because our clan was so massive there was no way that any clan could take over being the head of vampires. They had all the power and no way to lose it. Realizing this terrified me. People say that the Volturi are evil and abuse their power and they are right, I see that now.

I left that night when the castle was empty. The Volturi went on a hunt at night because many humans stopped going to the the tours of the castle. It was diminishing our food supply and many Volturi were getting restless without a meal so it seemed like the perfect idea.

 The day after I left I ran into a werewolf in the woods. Since I had never came across them I could only go by the stories the Volturi told us to keep us from running away, not that it stopped me. I nearly fainted when it jumped in front of me. Realizing I was not a threat the wolf went into the bushing only to reveal a young man. My eyes met dark hazel eyes that could look deep into my soul, he had very broad shoulders and abs that I could not get my eyes off of. Small stubble lined his cheek bones and it looked like he had never smiled a day in his life. 

"What is a vampire scum like you doing in my territory?" He said 

 I looked around and saw more wolves coming out but they didn't form into their human selves. I felt a pull towards Jared like I had known him my whole life , but a feeling told me he wasn't going to let them hurt me. I looked at his face when the pull came again. All he did was stare at me. 

" I.... I did not mean to run into your land, believe me if I did know it was yours I would not have come here but I am kind of in a hurry getting away from Rome and I'll leave instantly just you say the world. I am truly sorry and now I am rambling when you would rather not hear it." I said the last bit mostly to myself but being in this situation was terrifying and there was no easy way out. The Volturi kept me safe from everything but themselves so I had no idea what I was going to uncover or run into. After he composed himself he spoke again. 

"You realize you are the farthest from Rome you can get without running around the entire globe?" he said with a chuckle. That small sound mad my heart melt and he had a small smile playing on his lips, I could have gotten lost in his eyes forever, but a growl from another wolf made me flinch. Seeing this he sent a look that could kill to that wolf who backed away whimpering.

"Well then I guess we are at a cross roads um...... if you could just point me to the nearest spot that is not on your territory I will be on my way, again I am sorry I was unaware" he looked at me with such sincerity I wondered what could possibly be running through his mind. 

"I will take you to some friends of mine. They will be able to help you out if you do not mind" This comment took my back not only was he being nice to me but he also wanted to help me find somewhere safe to go. 

"Oh Ok if it is not to much trouble sure. "Just looking at him made me more confused but safe then I had every felt. I didn't know who he was taking me to but he said they were nice vampires who were the werewolves friends and even though every cell in my body told me not to trust another guy I blindly followed him alone to his destination. After what felt like forever we walked out into a clearing. The whole walk we had not said any words to each other, it was almost like he did not want to be anywhere near me and doing this small gesture was more then he could take There was a beautiful house in the middle of the space. Nine vampires and one werewolf walked out as soon as they saw Jared and I walked into the clearing. They smiled and a man came towards us as the others stayed behind.

"What brings you here Jared" said the man.

"I found this vampire here on our territory. I don't think she knew that she was on it, so I brought her here for you guys to help if you can. The only thing I know is that she wants to get away from Rome and it looks like she has been running for a while. I think her last coven hurt her so maybe she can join yours if you all agree on it." said Jared. He had this hopeful look and I watched as the other werewolf whispered something to a man and women. The women was the next to speak. 

"In that case, welcome to the green forest, you are always welcome here. What is your name" said a brunette woman walking towards Jared and I. 

"Um.. Grace Volturi" With those simple words I saw everyone's eyes grow wide, the mood had instantly shifted.

 Scared and I wanted to be sure of who I should trust this time so I shrank myself behind Jared's body. Without hesitation he put his arm behind him pulling me closer to his body. I knew he would keep me safe even though I didn't really know him. The other werewolf gave Jared a smile like he knew something that I didn't. I just stood there not budging from behind Jared. The other werewolf spoke and pointed to the vampires and himself.

"Jacob, Isabella, Alice, Jasper, Emmett, Edward, Rosalie, Esme and Carlisle. They all looked kind but the most evilest person could disguise themselves as an angel. They beckoned me and Jared to follow them inside their house. I followed close behind Jared scared that I might lose the sight of him. The house was the most beautiful house I had ever seen. Where there should have been a wall there was a huge window letting the warm sun in. It made my skin sparkle as I walked through the living room. I got a tour of the house which had three levels and 20 bedrooms, one kitchen, four living rooms and an office that belonged to Carlisle. After I walked through the whole house I sat on a couch tired from my journey. I was gifted my own room with a desk, a bed and lots of shelves I knew I could fill as soon as I went to the closest book store. Jared sat right beside me wrapping his arms around me. I will admit cuddling with someone I had just met was a little weird but somehow I could trust him. After the long journey I fell asleep on his shoulder.

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