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(Author's pov)..

Just because of one mistake, whole function turned sour, King Jihoon is the kind of a person, who wants everything perfect, he wants to stood out in crowd of people,he wants everything superior if it's related to him, that's why he ordered everyone before, to be alert for today's feast,he didn't wanted to be ashamed infront of his friends,but unfortunately it did happend, this might isn't a huge deal for other,but King Jihoon take this lil thing seriously,his pride was hurt, when he saw one his friend laughing secretly on him..


I m sorry to say this, but what kind of feast is this King Jihoon, which doesn't have dessert to serve, you told me that you are going to serve us 7 layers cake, but I can't see a single layer here hahaha....!(one of the guest make fun of king Jihoon..

Jungkook who was calmly eyeing whole scenario,got irked when he heard , someone making fun of his father...

With due respect King Ahn,in your son's marriage ceremony, you didn't even offerd us food to eat, saying it's for next time,so it's bit hilarious for me to hear, you making fun our service.....!(Jungkook said smiling controlling his anger..

Oh you are absolutely right King Jungkook,i didn't served lunch to you people and told you all without feeling ashamed, unlike your father , who send a big invitation saying,his kingdom will serve the tastiest and hugest cake ever, Sorry to say King Jihoon is all talk but no action....!(King Ahn replied back smirking...

You are crossing your line King Ahn,there is very thin line between being respectful and disrespectful,and i am afraid to announce,you are on verge to cross that line,so get attentive before you do, because i can't take someone making fun of my father lightly....!(Jungkook uttered trying to stay calm...

I am sorry to talk in between "My King",i know King Ahn is being disrespectful towards His majesty,but he isn't lying though in other aspects,he came here because he got invitation from His majesty, and everyone knows,King Jihoon always do what he speaks,this is sad that "His Majesty' have to face this critisism,when he isn't the one at fault,but this lowlife Butler and So-called adopted brother Jimin,who is jealous of My King...!(Consort Julia speak innocently..

Consort Julia,i warn you to watch your mouth,you are talking about my brother and most trusted butler here....!(Jungkook said strictly...

But what wrong she said Son,i detected no lie but truth, because of these two, today i have to feel ashamed,I don't tolerate this kind of behaviour in my Kingdom, no-one,i repeat no-one dared to neglect my order, but this Pathetic butler did,on whose order,this Jimin who isn't even related to me or you by blood...!(it wasn't king Jihoon who was speaking it was his anger and Julia's provocation, which was talking,but he forgot, Arrow throw out of bow and word's spitted out of mouth,can never taken back..

I agree with "His Majesty'",this butler here doesn't know how to cook,i don't know what he is doing still here,he should have thrown out of palace, because of him,his majesty has to face this humiliation,and don't let me start talking about Prince Jimin, who isn't even Prince by birth,he is always jealous of My King and His Majesty',he hate us all, he always search for way to humiliate us, and look he did it,what else can expect from an adopted Orphan...!(Julia continued to spit venom, seeing king Jihoon in her favour..

Consort Julia and her two side kick, continued to disrespect jimin and Seokjin, and everyone kept listening to them,many of guest and other agree to them,and Jungkook he was also listening he wanted to say many things,but couldn't , Because his father was already very Angry and he didn't wanted to fuel it more...

And Consort Taehyung, who was listening to everyone, without even uttering single word,got angry when he saw,his friend's jimin and Seokjin weeping and crying in humiliation, having enough of it, Consort Taehyung roared, roared to shut others mouths...

I am so sorry to say, what kind of King and brother you are, listening to all bullshit coming at your Elder brother and respectful and loyal server....!(and for the very first time, taehyung initiated a conversation with jungkook,but not the conversation which jungkook want to have, Jungkook listened to taehyung,he doesn't speak anything,he didn't even felt bad hearing taehyung, because he knows, taehyung wasn't lieing..

How Dare you Consort Taehyung, how can you talk to My King like that...!(Julia said, potraying herself respectful...

I can questioned the same,who are you to talk like that,with Prince Jimin and Butler Seokjin, Consort ZooPia...!(taehyung countered back ..

It's Consort Julia, trying to be brave , when you can't even pronounce my name properly...!(Julia said smirking...

I didn't pronounce your name correctly, Because i didn't saw any need to do so,or maybe because it's hard for me to remember ,each and every Consort's name ,as My King have lot ,for me to remember...!(taehyung taunted to Jungkook without even taunting him...

You are extremely disrespectful,i am elder than you and also very first Consort of My King, I don't know about other Consort's,but you have to pronounce my name correctly,and about this butler and him,i did what's correct, they have to pay for there mistakes...!(Julia said stubbornly

Consort JuLiA i guess,you are forgetting ,mistakes are part of life, everyone made mistakes,not only me and you,but His Majesty and My King too, and if you think you don't do mistakes, than i must say you, aren't a Human, because mistakes are made by humans,and only Human give chance to undo that mistakes...!(Taehyung spoked sternly....

How dare you...!(Julia couldn't go further because taehyung stopped her, showing his hands, Making everyone mouth agape..

I am not done yet, Consort Julia,bear yourself with me...!(taehyung said oh so sweetly...

To be continued...


Hey Precious's new chapter is up to read do votes and comments please ♥️💜♥️...

Saddy is back,i might be busy, but i can't ever stop writing, cause it's my passion,i m gonna Update my story alternative day's,look forward to it 💜💜...

Love Saddy 💜

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