Drabble: She Sounds Like A Bitch

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The Boston Brute Series Drabble: She Sounds Like A Bitch

Pairing: NHL!Chris Evans x Athletic Trainer!Reader (female character)

Summary: When you graduated from Northeastern University, you had your sights set on the West Coast. And then you were offered a position with the Boston Bruins Athletic Training Department. And then you met Chris. A 6′3″, ruggedly handsome hockey player dead set on making your life a living hell by pushing every button and getting on every nerve. Despite your obvious disdain for each other and the 'No Fraternization' clause in your employee contract, you're drawn together in a passionate, fiery love affair that seems to burn everything in its wake.

Warnings: Language, blood, Chris gets injured. A teeny-tiny mention of smut lol like the smallest (18+ only since this series does have smut)

W/C: 913

Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. All players and scenarios are made up completely. This story does not reflect things that actually happen in the NHL or with its players. Additionally, I talk about Chris's family in this fic. Again, work of fiction and is no reflection of his parents or grandparents in real life.

You gasped, your hand covering your mouth for a second before you sprung into action, your first thought being: Why is it always him??

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You gasped, your hand covering your mouth for a second before you sprung into action, your first thought being: Why is it always him??

Chris was so aggressive when he played hockey, always taking the brunt end of things for his teammates and playing harder than necessary to pull out a win. Of course, he was always getting hurt. He did everything in his power to put himself in harm's way for the sake of the game. It was admirable... as a fan. But as his secret girlfriend that had to constantly clean up his blood, it made you sick to your stomach to see him hurt all the time.

Especially when it wasn't something in his control. Chris had just taken a puck to the mouth and was currently holding his face on the ground.

Grabbing your pack, you pushed past the rest of the players who were now on their feet, staring at Chris as he lay on the ice, his face buried in his arms. Brett knelt down beside him, resting a hand on his back as he talked to Chris.

You shuffled as quickly as you could, kneeling by Chris's side when you finally approached. "Can you roll over, Evans? I need to see."

He groaned, shaking his head. "I'm fine. I just need a second."

Resisting the urge to roll your eyes, you leaned down closer to the ice in an attempt to see what was hit. "Chris, there's blood dripping onto the ice. Come on. Roll."

He readjusted himself on the ice so he was kneeling on one knee, his glove tucked under his arm while his bare hand cupped under his chin to catch the blood that was dripping. "Jesus." You muttered, reaching into your pack and grabbing some latex gloves. You'd give him some gauze right now and get him cleaned up in the locker room to assess the damage.

"Do I still have all of my teeth?" He asked, looking over at Brett and spreading his lips the best he could in what looked like a painful grin. You scrunched your face in disgust at his blood-stained teeth. He's lucky he's cute.

Brett's eyebrows furrowed in confusion while you stifled a laugh. You grabbed a pack of gauze and ripped the sterile packaging. "Why do you care about your teeth? Your mouth is gushing blood."

"I know, asshole. Are my teeth still there?"

You shook your head while you tried desperately not to laugh at his concern, knowing your comment was why he was so worried. You wouldn't actually leave him if he lost a tooth, but it was fun to tease him about.

You angled your body towards Chris and put the gauze up to his very split bottom lip. He was definitely going to need stitches. "Come on, you're gonna need to go to Mass Gen."

He groaned. "Seriously?"

You shrugged, taking his hand and replacing yours with it to hold the gauze in place. "Yup. We don't stitch. You know that."

"But my teeth."

"Evans, shut the fuck up about your teeth, man. They're all there."

Chris smiled, then winced at the movement. "Good."

"Why are you worried about your fuckin' teeth?" Brett pressed, cocking an eyebrow at Chris while he stood from his kneeled position on the ice, the crowd cheering as he got to his feet.

He shrugged. "Seeing this girl. She said she'd leave me if I lost any teeth. She's kind of high maintenance."

You snorted. "She sounds like a bitch."

"God, you have no idea."

You shook your head, trying to keep yourself from laughing. "Come on, off the ice."

Brett stared at the two of you, confusion painted on his features. "You guys friends now? Wait– Did you say you're seeing someone?"

"No, we're not friends." You snorted again. "I'm doing my job. Don't you guys have a game to worry about?"

"Right." He deadpanned, staring at you for a second before looking at Chris. "You're seeing someone?"

Chris shrugged. "Don't you have a game to worry about?"

You chuckled, grabbing your stuff and walking behind Chris as he skated off of the ice. He made his way towards the locker room, but you stopped to fill Rick in.

"His lip is split. He's gonna need stitches. I'll call ahead to Boston Mass, but he's done today."

Rick nodded, turning his focus back to the game while you pushed your way through the players and followed Chris to the locker room. The best you could do right now was some surgical tape, but he'd for sure need a few stitches.

You found Chris sitting on one of the benches, his skates already off and tossed to the side while his hand held the gauze up to his lip. After looking around and making sure the room was clear, you shook your head at him. "I doubt that girl you're seeing would actually leave you if you lost a couple of teeth. Now, if it was like 2 or 3, I'd understand. But one? She'll be okay."

He shook his head, smiling softly and then wincing at the pain. "Quit making me smile."

You tsked, shaking your head in return while you sat your bag next to him on the bench. "It's a shame, really."


"That girl you're seeing. No kissing or... extracurriculars for a while. Poor girl. You should really think about her before taking another puck to the face."

He chuckled. "I'll be sure to keep that in mind next time."

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