Quirk⬆️Hizashi Midoriya⬆️

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A small boy with curly green hair and emerald eyes runs down the halls of his home. A large, goody smile plastered on his face. "Mama, Papa," he shouts, jumping onto their bed. Groaning, Hizashi Midoriya groans as he and his wife awaken. "Calm down, Izuku," his mother chuckles. "Guess what day it is," he laughs, bouncing up and down excitedly. "What?" The woman ask, playing dumb for her son. "It's my birthday. I'm gonna get a quirk," he giggles. Hizashi grabs his son by the waist and lifts him up, sitting him down on his lap. "What type of quirk do you want, Buddy" he ask. "I wanna breathe fire like granpa or be like Allmight!" The child giggles. "Good choices," Hizashi smiles. Noticing the look in her husbands eyes, Izuku's mother clears her throat. "How about you go get dressed honey. I'll make breakfast," she suggest. "Ok," Izuku cheers, hopping down from the bed. "He's too young," Inko says, turning to her husband. "No, if he starts training young, he'll be much stronger than his competition by the time he starts to attend U.A," Hizashi grumbles. "But, what if his quirk is weak or if he has no-""Enough woman," Hizashi snaps. "My son is not quirkless! He will get a powerful quirk and he will be Number 1!" He tells her in a stern tone. "He's only five, Hizashi," the woman pleads. "Please,let him keep his childhood as much as possible?" Rolling his eyes, Hizashi stands up. "A childhood isn't going to make him stronger. Now let's get dressed, Inko. We don't want to miss out appointment," the man grumbles.
The Midoriya's walk I got her docors office. Both parents giving off gentle smiles. "Izuku's outshining everyone in the room. "We're the Midoriya's p," Hizashi says to the lady at the front desk. "Yes," the woman says, blushing profoundly at the handsome man before her. "Ah, y-yes," she stutters, flipping through the papers on her clipboard. "Here you go. The docto will be out with you shortly," she smiles, flirtatiously. "Thank you," he smiles. Taking a few of the empty seats, the Midoriya's wait. Minutes later, the doctor calls out from the door. "The Midoriya's." Lifting his son up on his shoulders, the three make their way towards the designated room. After running a few test, the doctor returns with the results. "You son seems to have a very powerful quirk. It allows him to use immense strength to certain levels. If he over does it, he may gain some nausea and cough up blood. Luckily, the more he trains and preps it, the more strength he can use. Just know, this quirk is incredibly hard to control," the doctor informs him. "Cool," Midoriya cheers, throwing his arms up. "Congrats man," Hizashi smiles, ruffling his sons hair. "Mommy, did you hear," he smiles, neither of the boys noticing the way her skin pales incredibly. "I heard Izu. You're gonna di great things," she smiles. "I can't wait to tell Kacchan," Izuku giggles. "Izuku, what do you day to the nice man?" Inko questions her son with a raised brow. "Thank you, Mr. Doctor," Izuku cheers. "No problem," the doctor smiles.

Once the family of three reach their car, Hizashi looks towards his son. "How about ice cream," he ask his son. "Yep," the child beams. Unknown to him, this is the start of hell.

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