Chapter 1

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You drove the remaining distance back into the town you frequented as a kid to the sounds of the top hits buzzing in the background. Now you didn't have much disdain for the popular tracks on the radio but would rather just have some sort of white noise to fill the empty car. 'Welcome to Hawkins, IN' flashes by and you begin to remember the past few "vacations" - if you could even call them that - and the unnerving feeling of being back in the place where you had witnessed so much tragedy. However, the unnerving feeling washed away when you pulled into your aunt's driveway.

'Fuck it's almost been a year since I've seen everyone.'

You had started your first year at college and hadn't had much time to spend with the people whom you held so close to your heart. Living only 30 minutes away from your aunt's house was quite convenient while growing up and you spent most of your time with your younger cousin, Dustin. While you might be 5 years older than him, you genuinely consider him a brother more than a cousin.

You hear a tap on the window break you out of your thoughts and turn to see your aunt beaming down at you. Muffled by the window, she says, "y/n! I can't believe you're finally home, get out of this car and tell me everything!"

You stagger out of the car and are immediately engulfed in a bear hug, regardless of your known aversion to touch, you reciprocate and pull away saying,

"Oh aunt Claudia I'm so glad to be back, let me just grab my bags and I'll be right in!"

You grab your duffel bag and book bag out of the passenger seat and make your way inside. After placing the bags down in the guest room your aunt exclaims, "Dustin doesn't know you would be here early. Oh, he's going to be so excited to see you. He hasn't been able to stop talking about how much he misses you-"

Your heart aches a little when she says that because even though you know he understands the whole college situation there's still a part of you that feels guilty that you haven't been here for him, especially after the events of last summer.

"-You should surprise him by picking him up from school. I know the other boys would be glad to see you as well! Also maybe check in on Max, Dustin has mentioned that she's been quite distant lately. Alright, you should get going or Dusty is going to get on his bike and hurry home."

At this point, your aunt was pushing you out the door along with her ramblings, and next thing you know the front door is shut and you're left with one mission. Pick up Dustin.

As you pulled into the parking lot of Hawkins High you spotted the bike rack and situated the car facing it. You stepped out and decided to lean against the hood to look out for your beloved cousin and his friends. With a hand up to block the sun you see Mike first considering he's the tallest and Lucas next to him in his basketball warmup suit. Lucas split away from Mike and you took this chance to snag the scrawny boy's attention. You called out to Mike as he looked around the parking lot trying to find the source of the yelling. Surprised he turns to Dustin and goes "It's your cousin y/n! You said they weren't going to be here until tomorrow night."

Dustin furrows his brow, "I did say that- hey- where are they I can't see anything."

"C'mon this way," Mike says as he leads his shorter friend towards his cousin's car.

"Y/n!" Dustin exclaims as he hurries toward you and throws his arms around you in a hug.

When he pulls away you make sure to ruffle Mike's hair saying, "Hey, guys thought I'd surprise you, Dustin, and come a day earlier since my professors let out class early. So go get your bikes and stuff them in the trunk boys."

Mike elbows Dustin and gives him a look that reads 'why don't you ask them?' Dustin huffed and looked back at you and said: "We have a club meeting in about an hour but we actually do need a sub to fill in for Lucas and uh I mean only if you'd want to, it would save our asses if you came." He gave you his best puppy dog eyes and shoved Mike to get him to mimic him.

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