Chapter 31

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Caty POV

All through the next day, there was a certain heaviness between us. No one really wanted this investigation to happen after what took place at the Manor before, but we all knew that Zak wasn't going to let it go. I was worried; he had been very quiet all that morning, not saying much. I tried to stay close to him, but for some reason, he was keeping his distance. Every time I would try to talk to him, he would brush me off and walk away. I couldn't understand what was going on with him and it was upsetting me. I knew that he had a bunch of pent-up energy and was upset about this whole situation but I was upset. 

I was sitting in the car, waiting for Jay and Billy to finish setting up nerve center, and was scrolling through my phone, gradually growing more and more pissed off with Zak, when Aaron knocked on my window. I gestured for him to join me in the car and set my phone down. Aaron climbed into the driver's side and smiled at me before seeing my expression.

"Caty Cat what's wrong?" he asked, reaching out to touch my shoulder. "You look really upset."

"Oh nothing is wrong," I replied sarcastically. "I just can't have more than two words with my boyfriend before he completely brushes me off and walks away. What could be wrong? It's not like I'm pregnant with his twins or anything." I threw my hands up in the air, my voice rising. Aaron said nothing but continued to look at me as I fumed before he sighed.

"Caty, I'm sorry you are feeling so ignored right now. I don't know why he's ignoring you, but I do know what he is feeling right now," Aaron began and I looked over at him. "He's terrified. He wasn't there when you were attacked and he was only able to watch it from the footage, but somehow I think that was worse than seeing it in person. He still blames himself and he's terrified of what is going to happen tonight. He still doesn't want you anywhere near this location and to be honest, neither do I. He and I are both terrified that whatever attacked you before is going to try to get to you again. How would you feel if it had been you in his position and he was attacked?" I sighed after a moment.

"I would be scared and want answers too," I replied finally. "But that doesn't explain why he is ignoring me. I get that he's scared, but if it were me, I'd want him as close as possible."

"I honestly don't know Caty Cat," he replied, looking down. "Maybe after this investigation, you should talk to him."

"Yeah assuming nothing happens and he will talk to me," I replied, looking down at my hands. Aaron grasped my shoulder gently again, and I looked up at him.

"He will," he said confidently. "Everything will be ok Caty Cat. I promise." I smiled slightly and leaned over to hug him. He held me tightly for a moment before pulling away.

"Thanks teddy bear," I said. He smiled and then nudged my shoulder playfully.

"I still can't believe you are having twins," he exclaimed excitedly. "I always wanted to be an uncle but I never thought it would be to two at once."

"It kind of makes sense though," I replied, laughing a little. "Mom was a twin so it was bound to happen eventually."

"Your mom was a twin?" Aaron asked. "I had no idea." 

"Yeah she had a twin sister," I replied, nodding. "I talk to her every now and then. She and I used to be very close, but we kind of drifted apart when I moved to Denver."

"Well it definitely runs on your side of the family then," Aaron said with a chuckle. I nodded and then sighed. 

"I get why he's upset I just wish he would talk to me. He's been distant all morning and I just want to talk to him. I'm scared too and I really think talking about everything would help us both," I said.

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