One shot

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Zee pov.
I remember the first time I met you was during the time when I was stressed at work and went out to take some fresh air in the park.
I sit on the bench dozen off with my coffee then notice a boy jogging with a short t-shirt and short wearing earphones stop jogging.
I witness you sit beside me taking a break and drinking a pink big bottle with a big amount of water fully slipping into your mouth.
"CUTE" a word slip out of my mouth.
I blush and pretend to take my phone out, as if I'm calling someone then turn and look over I saw the boy blush as well. We somehow have met each other eyes and locked eye contact. I seem to have butterflies in my stomach.

After that day went by, I can't stop and headed to the park during my work break or I would say I own the company but just want to take a break to see if you were there.

Slowly by slowly I want to approach you more. I saw your smile.
I begin to take my time off work and change my clothes and seek for you.
I want to know your name and what's your interest?
I nervously asked "Ummm, can I ask what your name is?"

Nunew pov.
I remember where you appear making my heartbeat and making me receive my first crush.
As I usually do every day take a jog around the near park with busy working buildings and a beautiful view of the ocean.
After taking a big lap from my house to the park. I sat on the bench to rest while drinking my favourite pink big bottle I took a big sip of water. I hear the sound "CUTE" beside me. I nearly choked on the water as l was still drinking it. I look over and blushed (imagine nunew with red ears CUTE).
I saw you on your phone, don't know you turn around and our eyes met each other. I felt ticklish or more likely to say butterflies in my stomach.

After that day passed by, I took a jog like every day I came across the park and look at the bench thinking that I wouldn't see you again even though I met you once unknown when I'll see you again.

Unexpected a tap on the shoulder distracted my thinking. I turn around and witness a familiar handsome-looking man with casual short sportswear similar to mine, not like the first time I saw you in a white shirt and navy blue vest.
I hear you nervously ask me a question. I reply to your question and asked you the same thing.

I was curious wanting to know your name as you ask me.
"How about you? what your name is?"

You got me feeling like a butterflyWhere stories live. Discover now