-Chapter 6-

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A/N: Your outfit above)

A few days since the pack had to save Bella from that vampire in the meadow which was in the woods and since then I've been spending most of my time at Emily's place which was practically the packs den by now, I also volunteered to doing patrol checks of the border with Paul whenever its his turn to do so this way we can spend time together and bond as pack members although Sam and Jake was hesitant at first they eventually let me do it. 

However one morning  Bella turn up out of the blue demanding to see Jake and if I had to to guess he payed her a visit last night which led her to do this, when I saw her push past dad then walked through the house until she reached Jakes room and saw that he was peacefully sleeping she just stood there for a few minutes staring as I stood behind her but when I heard the packs signal that they were here I already knew something bad was about to happen, I looked at her as her eyes lifted to look out the window and saw the group of boys standing by the tree line before she looked over to me.

"Bella don't do anything stupid now.... Bella!"

I called her name as I quickly followed her out of the house then around to the backyard as she stormed over to the boys shouting at them about what they did to Jake to make him isolated himself from her like he did so suddenly while giving Paul a shove while she was at it which only made his start to get angry, my eyes evaluated the situation and I knew that at any moment that she would do or say something which was going to set him over the edge so I made a split second decision and grabbed Bella by the forearm before pulling her back away from the fuming Paul then looked over to him as I started to try and calm him down, Sam also tried his best of calming the angered by but with no luck.

Letting out a stressful sigh as I ran my hand through my hair I took a few steps back until I was stood beside Embry knowing that at any point Paul will blow a fuse and I didn't want to caught up in that shit so I might as well just stand back and watch it all unfold, as predicted Bella slapping Paul was only the topping on the cake for him to go over the edge and turn which by the looks on her face she was confused by terrified on what was going on at the same time, she didn't waste time before she turned and started to run towards the house as Jake rushed out and jumped the back railing to the decking outback before he ran towards Bella.

Here we go...

I though as it was now a battle between Jake and Paul which soon lead into the woods. A few minutes later Sam told Embry and Jared to take Bella back to Emily's place so they went over to her and pulled her too her feet before they went over to her truck, I once again sigh as I looked over to Sam already knowing that well have to go and find those to knuckleheads before they tore each other to pieces so we jogged into the woods before we phased into wolf form and followed Jake and Paul's scent until we found them, once we made it to Emily's place I trotted off behind the cabin then turned back then changed into clean clothes which I stashed back there incase something like this happened.

"Com'on what you idiots waiting for? Get your asses inside before all of Emily's cooking is gone" 

I smirked as I pulled on my over shirt then looked over at the boys that was playfully pushing each other as the walked out of the tree line together, I waited for them on the steps then walked in after Paul taking a seat next to him as he snagged himself a muffin then gave me one which I gave him a smile before I took a bite out of it enjoying the delicious treat while Bella and my brother went for a walk along the beach to talk, about 5 -10 minutes later they came back to reveal that it was Bella that Victoria was after this meant that now we had to keep watch over her and Charlie along with hunting that bloodsucker down too.

Over the last few weeks there was a whole lot of drama going on from the death of Harry Clearwater from a heart attack, Bella going to save Edward from the Voltari too the Cullen's coming back. It was really hectic but it didn't change the fact that Bella wanted to become a vampire or will be some point in the future and this made me worry of what will happen to her, the pack and the Cullen's in the future if they go down this path.

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