Bonus Chapter : Christmas

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A/N: Your outfit above)

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A/N: Your outfit above)

Christmas, what a wonderful time of year.

In the Black household it was rather festive, maybe even more so, because this year there was one small difference; you. Where as for the last few years you've been off studding abroad, this year you were home for Christmas and for that single fact it's made everything different; awkward and weird, but in a good way.

[Y/N] was actually glad she was home this year for the holiday's as she hated being away from home and often thought about if she made the right decision to leave so she could study abroad, she would normally spend the holidays with her best friend Bonnie but now she was only a painful memory.

Just getting back from her morning run she slipped off her trainers then placed them on the shoe rack by the door before walking off to her room so she could grab some clean clothes to change into after her shower, once showered and dressed in clean warm clothes [Y/N] decided as Jake and her dad was out choosing a Christmas tree she'll start on the decorations around the house, by the time Jake and her dad made it back after half an hour most of the decorations was up asept the tree and a few other things.

Y/N)"Hey, need a hand with the tree? Omg how the hell are you going to get that in here Jake?"

Billy)"Told him that it was too big, but he didn't listen"

Jake)"Com'on dad! It's [Y/N]'s first Christmas back home, I want it to be the best one yet!"

Hearing this from her brother a smile slipped onto her face just knowing that he's trying to making it the best Christmas for her benefit because she was home this year, helping get the tree in the two younger black's decorated the tree together with laughter and smiles all around which for Billy was a blessing to see again, although he never voiced how much he's missed his daughter he was just glad that she was home and hoping that she would stay instead of going back abroad for her studies.

Over the next few weeks running up to Christmas [Y/N] was busy getting gifts in-between helping the pack with patrols or attending Christmas parties and events that the small town had every year, she was defiantly a busy woman and eventually it was finally Christmas morning, the festive cheer was really in the air this year.

Over the next few weeks running up to Christmas [Y/N] was busy getting gifts in-between helping the pack with patrols or attending Christmas parties and events that the small town had every year, she was defiantly a busy woman and eventually it wa...

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A/N: Your outfit above)

The [H/C] girl had a head start on the day waking up a few hours before the sun had even risen over the horizon to go on her morning run, once she was back and showered, she got started preparing the Christmas dinner ready to be put on to cook. 

Then it was onto adding her presents for her dad and Jake under the tree then she cooked breakfast, she greeted her sleepy brother with a big energetic smile as she placed the plate of food in front of him that he thanked her for.

Once everyone was awake and had breakfast, they traded gifts. Jake had gotten [Y/N] a few books on modern history, a necklace with a gem and a small tag with her name on it also a small paw print on the necklace chain. Jake then gave his dad a few thing's that he knew he'll like, [Y/N] gave Jake a bracelet that tells him his heart rate so he'll always know if he's going to shift or not then she gave her dad a hand painted mug which he loved.

Eventually all the gifts was opened and they spent the day laughing and having fun appreciating that they were together for Christmas this year, alittle later on in the evening Jake and [Y/N] popped around Sam's place to give everyone a little something for Christmas this year which made them all smile.

[Y/N] went outside for alittle air as it was getting abit too loud inside the house and also because memories of Bonnie around this time of year re-surfaced all of a sudden, sitting on the porch steps wrapping her cardigan around herself because of cold weather in December around Forks, the sound of footsteps snapped her out of her mind and looking over her shoulder her eye's locked with a familiar pair of brown eye's.

"Hey Paul, what you doing out here for?"

Paul)"I could ask you the same sweetheart, but, I have somthing for you"


She raised a brow at him in slight amusement considering that Paul looked awkward as he sat there next to [Y/N] looking anywhere but at her, he digged into his pocket then pulled out a jewellery box and held it out for her to take which she did then gently opened to see a beautiful necklace with a small piece of card inside.

She raised a brow at him in slight amusement considering that Paul looked awkward as he sat there next to [Y/N] looking anywhere but at her, he digged into his pocket then pulled out a jewellery box and held it out for her to take which she did th...

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A/N: Your necklace and what the card says)

[Y/N] gasped alittle after she read the card inside the box before a giddy smile slipped cross her face as she gently took the necklace out of the box and asked him to help her put it on which he did, afterwards she hugged him which he wasn't expecting but returned either way.

"Thank you Paul, it's amazing you didn't have to get me anything"

Paul)"I saw it and thought of you so, ya, I kinda did"

[Y/N] nudged his side with her elbow then rested her head on his shoulder as he wrapped his arm around her back pulling her closer, he was giving off heat like a mini heater and she was loving the added heat as she soaked it up.

Jake glanced out the front door window and saw the two sat outside and although he doesn't like Paul that much, he'll put his dislike for him aside if it meant his sister was happy.

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