'Gotta stay strong'

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As the movie ended the silence left, Eddie stood up and moved away so the others could walk past him, he was the last to leave the theatre room; when we walked outside there stood the once little kids now almost adults, he didn't know what they were like when they were younger. He assumed they were fighting demogoron's while they were still small, he shook his head and smiled.

"Alright kiddos, sleepover" Eddie said clapping his hands together in-front of his chest, the kids smiled in appreciation, "but first gotta go to the supermarket, you each can pick out once piece of candy because I'm fucking broke now" he said laughing, he walked outside with the others behind him, he opened the van door and the other besides Steve walked into the back and sat down. Steve took the keys out of Eddie's pocket.

"I'm driving" Eddie wanted to protest but Steve was already in the drivers seat and he was stubborn, Eddie shook his head while smiling and jumped into the passenger seat.

Steve drove everyone back to Eddie's trailer and got out of the drivers seat to open the van door, everyone climbed out besides Eddie who tried to open the passenger seat door but Steve already opened it and offered his right hand to Eddie, he took Steve's hand and carefully jumped out of the van.

"Wow, such a gentleman" Eddie joked smiling, Steve let go of his hand as he had to lock the van and open the front door, the front door was already unlocked.

"Strange" Steve said raising an eyebrow, he heard rustling from inside, he used his arm to hold the others back, just then the window was smashed from the inside, glass shattering everywhere, luckily none landed on the kids but it did land on Eddie and Steve as they shielded the kids, Eddie quickly grabbed the keys from Steve's left back pocket while grabbing the pocket knife that was in his right front pocket, he quickly unlocked the van door  and got the kids inside the vehicle, he pushed a finger to his lips to signal them to be quiet.

"Why does bad shit keep happening to us?!" Steve whispered aggressively, Eddie shushed him. "Stay with the kids" Steve looked dumbfounded. "I'm not leaving you alone with a threat in that house" Eddie shook his head from left to right. "Steve, seriously I'll be fine" Eddie whispered as he jumped through the window, Steve jumped through after him. Eddie gently slapped his right shoulder, he was crouched down right below the window.

"Steve really?" Eddie whispered, carefully and quietly crouch-walking, he pulled out a flashlight and looked around, he panned to  broken picture frames, liquor bottles half drank and smashed, liquor pouring out onto the floor seeping into the ground, Eddie and Steve wimped there heads around to voices, Eddie focused on one particular, his eyes widened when he realised the voice, "Shit is Jason and his frat boys" Eddie quickly bud behind the kitchen counter and turned off the flashlight, Steve tried to follow him but got caught by Jason.

"Well, well looks like we got a fag on our hands" Jason said lifting Steve by the collour of his shirt, Steve laughed nervously. "The actual term is bisexual so-" before he could finish his sentence Jason uppercutted him, letting go of Steve's collour so he fell to the ground, hitting his head on the kitchen counter, Eddie quickly tackled Jason, pining him to the ground with his bodyweight.

"Why the fuck are you so heavy" Jason said trying to push him off, Eddie smiled. "I've been working out" just then one of Jason's friends came up behind him and stabbed him in his lower back, Eddie lost his strength and rolled off of Jason, the goon held up his weed stash and ran off with Jason behind him, after to minutes Steve woke up to the sound of coughing, he squinted his eyes and saw Eddie holding his lower stomach, he quickly got up and took his shirt off, wrapping it around Eddie then tying it.

"Let's get to to the hospital" Eddie shook his head to the left then right, "I'm not-" he tried to finished his sentence but that interrupted by a cough, blood dropped down his chin, Steve stared as Eddie with plea in his eyes, finally Eddie nodded, Steve gently lifted Eddie bridal style and knocked on the van door with his foot as he gave the keys to Max, She quickly opened the van door to discover Steve covered in blood and holding Eddie bridal style with blood dripping down. She quickly ushered Steve in, everyone else moved so he could lay Eddie down on the van floor, he quickly hoped into the drivers seat and started to drive.

"W-where's Steve?!" Eddie said panicked trying to get up, Steve quickly replied from the drivers seat. "I'm right here baby, I'm not hurt" Steve said trying to keep his worry to a minimum, Dustin held Eddie's hand, "uhh, he's loosing a shit ton of blood," Dustin tried to take off his shirt but max took off her first, luckily she wore two shirts.

"Here, " she said while ripping it in-half. "I'll stuff the backside you stuff the front, Eddie this is gonna hurt" with the help of Mike,el, and Lucas; Dustin and max were able to patch him up, Steve finally pulled up to the nearest hospital, he quickly picked up Eddie and ran into the emergency exit, the charge nurse saw him standing there with Eddie and they immediately ushered him over to a room.

"Lay him down" the nurse said, Steve nodded he laid Eddie down but he wouldn't let go of Steve's belt loop. "Baby, hey" Steve whispered, "there here to help" the nurses smiled and closed the hospital curtains, "I'd anyone asked I'll say your brothers," she smiled at Steve "he can stay, sweetie" she said, Eddie slowly let go of Steve's belt loop, the nurse put in a IV drip, she quickly got to work examining the wounds.

"He's definitely going to need surgery, probably around 50-60 stitches per section" she said while a said face while taking of her gloves, " The bleeding however seems to be slowing down, nice work controlling the bleeding" she then walked out.

"I don't want to fucking be here" Eddie said trying to take the IV drip out but Steve stopped him. "Hey, look at me" Eddie turned to Steve, tears threatening to fall from his eyes. "I know you're scared, I know you hate hospital's, but you gotta stay strong baby. I'm right here" Eddie nodded ushered Steve to come closer he then leaned on Steve's shoulder. Luckily Steve was sitting down, he didn't dare to move.

Steve kissed Eddie's forehead, "I got you baby," he whispered while gently wrapping his arm around Eddie's waist, carefully to not hurt him, Dustin came running in with everyone else behind him, Steve put a finger up to his mouth to signal them to be quiet.

"How is he?" Dustin whispered, Steve looked down at the sleeping Eddie, his chest slowly rising and falling. "He'll need surgery" Steve whispered, Dustin placed a hand on Steve's shoulder, "He's strong, he'll pull through" Steve signed. "I bloody hope so"

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