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Penny's Pov

Oh, thank goodness. I thought I was gonna be attacked by that fuzzy thing. The orange blob thing is revealed to be a fluffy alien named Kirby. Chicken Little explained to the small thing that we are gonna get him back home. He picked the small alien up and fluffed his fur up. "See, guys? He's cool," he told us. "He was just freaked out. That's all."

I was just beginning to think about what to do next to return Kirby to his parents when the sky began to rumble. The sky appeared to be cracking apart. In fact, it was a fleet of cloaked spaceships that were separated high above the town, making the sky seem as if it was breaking up. One after another, spaceships began to descend over the town.

Kirby happily looked up at the ships and bubbled as Bubbles explained to us.

"Those are your parents?" I gasped, looking up at the ominous spacecraft. "And they brought the galactic armada?"

Without warning, the little alien kid scurried down the street as the spaceships began to near the ground. Cars swerved in the directions to avoid hitting him. Chicken Little knew he had to catch Kirby before the poor thing could get hit by something.

"Watch out for the kid! Don't hit him!" Chicken Little yelled as one car almost got the orange ball of fur.

He was about to get close to the child when Buck suddenly grabbed his arm. He had been looking for his son. "Son, there you are. Get in the car. We gotta go."

"No, wait. Dad, I gotta tell you something," Chicken Little begged.

"What? I know, I know! You were right!" Buck said quickly as he prepared to save Chicken Little, "Alien invasion. I see that now. Look up! There it is!"

Chicken Little took a deep breath. "Dad, you know, about that... It's actually a rescue mission." He tried to explain.

"Rescue mission?"

"You see, this alien kid was left behind by mistake and they're coming back to get him! So we have to help him, 'cause if we don't, who else will?"

"What?!" Buck exclaimed.

Chicken Little stopped. He recognized that look on his dad's face. He knew he wouldn't believe him and he pulled his hand away. "Ugh! Forget it. You wouldn't believe me anyway." He then took off after Kirby.

Buck began to chase after him. "Son! Son, come back! Son! Chicken Little!"

Abby, Runt, Bubbles and I ran down the street, too. "Mr. Cluck! Wait! He's telling the truth!" Abby yelled.

"He is!" Runt added. "Though, given his track record, we understand why you don't believe him!"

Meanwhile, the townsfolk ran into the streets, panicked. They watched in horror as countless metallic aliens dropped from the ships. Foxy Loxy and Goosey Loosey were in the town square.

A huge alien landed face to face with Foxy. As much a bully as ever, Foxy stepped back, picked up a rock, and prepared to throw. Following Foxy's lead, as usual, Goosey leaned forward and picked up a rock of her own, ready to launch it with full focus.

Foxy threw her rock as hard as she could, but it bounced harmlessly off the alien. It was probably the biggest mistake of Foxy's life. In response, the alien zapped her with a light beam. Goosey's jaw dropped as Foxy disappeared into thin air. The goose put her rock back on the ground and ran off into the crowd as the alien watched her.

Meanwhile, the fuzzy alien kid was zigzagging through the mayhem trying to get to his parents ship.

"Watch out for the kid! No! Don't! Don't hit him!" Chicken Little cried as he chased after him.

He saw that the alien was about to be hit as a huge truck barreled toward Kirby.

Quickly, Chicken Little jumped onto a car, bent the antenna back like a catapult, and launched himself through the air.

Zooming straight ahead, he grabbed the furry alien kid as he whizzed by, and they flew right through the doors of the Oakey Oaks movie theater. They shot over the seats and smack right into the movie screen.

Sliding down the screen, Chicken Little heard his dad's voice. "Chicken Little!"

Worried about his son, Buck had raced after him. Kirby was so frightened by the big rooster, he hid behind the theater curtains.

"What? Where's your head?" Buck yelled, wondering if Chicken Little had lost his mind. He didn't realize that Chicken Little was trying to rescue an innocent alien child.  "We gotta get outta here! Come on!"

The sounds of the alien invasion outside rocked the theater. Suddenly, Abby and I burst through the theater doors. We saw Chicken Little and his dad onstage having an argument.

"You, with the running and the jumping!" Buck complained, trying to grab his son to safety.

"Dad. No, wait."

"What are you guys doing? We gotta get outta here!" Abby shouted. "It's like War of the Worlds out there!"

She didn't understand them at all. Why were they wasting time arguing when the whole town was falling apart under an alien invasion?

I stomped my clawed fluffy feet. "We are under attack! Will you two stop messing around and deal with the problem?" I finally got their attention.

Chicken Little looked at his dad for a moment. "You're never there for me!" he blurted out, pulling his dad away from him.

Abby was stunned. What a time for Chicken Little to take advice from her teen magazines.

"Okay, that's not what I had in mind," she said.

"You're never there for me," Chicken Little argued, mustering up his courage. "I mean, you were when I won the game, but not when I thought the sky fell. And not at the ball field and certainly not now!"

"This is good! Keep going. Keep going!" I peeped.

Chicken Little continued. "You've been ashamed ever since the acorn thing happened and we have to talk because Modern Mallard says avoiding closure can lead to molting. I'm already small and on top of that, I don't think I could handle being bold!"

Buck starred into Chicken Little's eyes. What could he say? "I... I... I didn't.....realize, son," he sighed. "I-I never meant to...The acorn, the sky, I mean, the whole... You're right. You're right. Your mom, she was...You know, she was always good with stuff like this. Me.....I'm gonna need a lot of work. But you need to know that I love you, no matter what. And I'm sorry I... And I'm sorry if I ever made you feel like that was had to earn."

"And we're good. Let's go. Let's go," Abby said.

"The world would be doomed if we don't sit around," I replied.

"Okay, Dad," Chicken Little said as he pulled back the curtain. "AII we gotta do is return helpless little Kirby."

Kirby struck a karate pose and jumped atop Buck's head, biting him with impressive gusto.

"Return this whatever it is?" Buck asked as he tried to shake the alien loose. "This is crazy! Crazy! Crazy wonderful! Just tell me what you need me to do."

Chicken Little brightened like a lightbulb. "Do you really mean it?"

"You bet! Anything, son," Buck answered, holding Kirby. The alien continued to gnaw his fingers.

Chicken Little hopped off the stage and marched toward the door. "Come on, Dad. We've got a planet to save!"

Before we left, Chicken Little turned back and ran down the aisle toward Abby. He hopped onto a chair and looked Abby right in the eye.

"By the way," he told her. "I'd like to say I've always found you extremely attractive!"

Then he took the stunned duck in his arms and planted a big kiss on her beak.

None of her teen magazines had prepared her for this.

Abby smiles dreamily. "Now that's closure."

Chicken Little: The Hen vs the InvasionWhere stories live. Discover now