Another Piece of the sky Incident

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Chicken Little's Pov

I knew I had to ring the bell now, but I couldn't help remembering the last time I'd been here. My mind flashed to the day I was hit on the head by something. The last time I was here, a piece of the sky hit me. I remembered my neighbors running in panic, the mass destruction I caused. I even remembered how ashamed my own dad has been. If no one will believe me, then who will?

Suddenly, a scream snapped me back. My friends were trapped in the alien's spotlights.

"Ring the bell! Come on, Chicken Little!" Abby yelled in terror. "Ring the bell!"

One of the aliens grabbed Penny by the leg. She screamed as she tried to get out of the alien's grip.

I gasped. I had no choice but to do it. I pulled the bell rope with all my might.

As the sound of the bell echoed, the aliens trembled and grabbed their heads with their tentacles, dropping Penny down. Something about that noise bothered them. Though they were hesitant, they screeched.

The bell rang out all over Oakey Oaks. Citizens in their houses stopped what they were doing. The bell?  They wondered. The townsfolk began to gather in the streets and toward the school. There must be a true emergency!

Mayor Turkey Lurkey led the frantic crowd to the school. Then he looked up and saw me on the bell tower.

"Chicken Little! You better have a good explanation for this!" one of the townsfolk yelled, not happy with the situation.

"There's, there's... It's a..." I stammered, trying to explain. "You have to... D'oh! Doo wah!"

The crowd was totally confused. I realized that this was too big and difficult to explain. I climbed down the bell tower and faced everyone.

"Follow me! Come on! Hurry! Hurry! Aliens here! Aliens here!"

The crowd surged forward to follow me.

Buck, who was here, realized what was happening. "It's... it's happening again."

"Come on! Hurry! You're about to see it!" I called out. "If you don't hurry, you're gonna miss it!"

But just as I reached the gates to enter the ball field, the mayor stopped abruptly and leaned over. The whole crowd stopped behind him.

"Oh, look!" the mayor said excitedly. "A penny!"

I looked over my shoulder at the crowd. "Guys!"

"Oh, right," the mayor called back as he quickly put the shiny new penny in his pocket and moved onward.

"Hurry! Come on! Quick! It's taking off!" I yelled at the townsfolk. I was the only one inside the stadium, The spaceship was clearly visible. One of the aliens was even peeking out of the ship's dome. I needed the townsfolk here now or they would miss seeing the spaceship together! But the crowd was still outside, and by the time they got to the gates of the baseball field, I was frantic. "Come on! Hurry up! Please! It's right in..."

Behind me, I could hear the hum of the spaceship warming up its engine.

As the townsfolk finally poured through the big gates, they found.... Nothing. It was too late. The aliens and their ship had disappeared. I couldn't believe they were gone.

"What are we lookin' for?" one of the reporters asked.

"I don't know."

"Uh, yeah. Okay. I know this looks bad," I said to the crowd, nervously. "But there's an invisible spaceship right there with aliens who are here to invade Earth! Let me show you."

The crowd stared at me in disbelief. To prove my story, I picked up a small rock and threw it at where the spaceship had been just moments ago. The rock fell to the ground with barely a sound. It definitely had not hit the ship.

"Ooh, bad throw."

"Ok, let me try again." I threw another stone.

"Okay," I said. "Well, we all know I don't have a very good arm, but you see, there's these cloaking panels on the bottom. They make it disappear. And I know this because one fell out of the sky and hit me right on the head."

"Oh, it's the acorn thing all over again," a cheetah groaned in disbelief.

The news crew packed up their equipment.

"Eh, there's no story here," the cameraman said in disgust.

"Well, at least we can sell the video to Chickens Gone Wild."

I desperately looked into the angry faces of his neighbors. "I'm telling ya, everybody, it was here!"

"No, wait! There were aliens!" Abby pleaded, joining me.

"It's true!" Runt cried. "They had three glowing eyes and tentacles!"

Penny knew that she was just too young to be in an angry mob but she knew she had to keep quiet.

"Why can't you keep that child of yours under control?" the neighbor yelled at Buck.

Everyone agreed and argued as well.

"What kind of parent are you?"

All of the people started to shout and argue how I caused another acorn thing and I know I had to convince the townsfolk. They had to believe me this time that those aliens are real. "Dad! Dad! I'm not making this up!" I begged, desperately. "You gotta believe me this time."

Buck was silent for a moment, every eye in the crowd was glaring at him. He cleared his throat. "No, son," he sighed, "I don't." The big rooster turned to the crowd. "I can't tell you how embarrassed I am, folks," he said. "I'm really sorry about this, everyone. Looks Like this is just a big, crazy misunderstanding."

"Well, other than the penny, this whole evening was a wash!" Turkey Lurkey declared as he reached into his pocket and showed everyone the shiny coin.

The townsfolk grumbled and turned to go home. They had enough of me and all the trouble I caused with my false alarm.

"Oh, Mr. Cluck," a sickeningly sweet voice said. It was none other than Foxy Loxy, devious as usual. "Don't take it so hard. No one blames you."

I watched sadly as my dad walked off with Foxy. Abby tried to offer me a sympathetic look, but she realized I simply needed to be alone for a while. As she turned in one direction, I turned the other way and walked into the darkness by myself. Penny, sadly starred at me as I left. She lowered her head down as Abby and Fish comfort her.

Chicken Little: The Hen vs the InvasionWhere stories live. Discover now