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"Is this necessary?" Y/n asked as Armin tied the blindfolded over her eyes.

"It's for everyone's safety. You are a safety hazard basically" Armin stated as he fixed the blindfold over her eyes.

Connie walked up and leaned close to her face. "Can you see? How many fingers am I holding up?" He raised his hand.

Y/n looked at him if her hands weren't handcuffed she'd punch him. "Move from my face, before I break your fingers"

"How'd you know-"

"She can smell your hot ass breath." Ymir joked as Connie turned towards her flipping her off and she did the same.

"She's not wrong." Y/n muttered as Armin lifted her from the chair. She pulled her dress down, since it lifted when she was sitting. Y/n stepped into the van, tripping bumping into jean.

Jean helped her sit down and strapped her so she couldn't move. "Can we get food? I'm hungry." Sasha muttered throwing her head back as floch drove.

"Me too." Y/n agreed going to lift her blindfold making Connie smack her hand down. She snapped her head at him slapping him back.

"You are the worst hostage ever. You are so calm." Connie muttered rubbing his face.

"Duh. I'm an important man's wife you know." She muttered with a hint of sarcasm in her voice. "I've been tortured, stabbed, kidnapped many time. Don't get me started on how many times I've had a gun point at my head."

"But I-"

Y/n slumped in her seat. "You expected me to be a innocent wife, that can't defend herself. Well you got a rude awakening."

"Are we getting food?"

"No." Floch answered from the drivers seat of the van.

"Gingers suck." Y/n muttered. About 30 mins later the van stopped and they were pulling her inside the house. Once they finally got inside they took the blindfold off.

Y/n looked at the house and she could hear noise outside. She walked to a room, "This is where you be for the next i don't know. Till we kill you. You can't leave this room for nothing"

Ymir looked at y/n who held her hands out to be un-cuffed. Ymir released her hands as y/n walked up to her. "Are you sure? I can't u know explore? A bit?" Y/n leaned close to Ymir looking her in the eyes pushing a piece of hair off her freckled face.

Y/n dragged a finger down Ymir's torso that was out since it was hot. She was wearing a button up shirt that wasn't buttoned and baggy shorts, it was clear she wasn't wearing a bra. Y/n's fingertips sent shivers through Ymir's body before she pushed her away.

"No." Ymir said and walked out locking the door. She took a deep breath once she was on the other side of the door and went to the bar downstairs.

Y/n stared around the room, as she listened for footsteps outside the door. She walked to the closest grabbing something before waking to her bathroom.

❥ ~~~~~~~

Eren came how early, he had to go deal with a thief in one of his hotels. He walked into the safe house to see everyone eating. Jean had a plate in his hand walking to the stairs.

"Where's y/n?" Eren asked taking off his blazer. He walked past everyone looking at his phone.

"In her room." Everyone answered still eating. Sasha and Connie fighting over extras.

Jean knocked on the door again waiting for a response. "I hope your dressed. I bought food-" his sentence was cut off seeing the room empty and the bed not touched.

He heard the shower running and went over opening the door with a hand over his eyes. He peeked but it foggy. "Y/n?" He asked no response he walked closer opening the glass door. "Oh shit."

❥ ~~~~~~~

Y/n yawned as she cracked her back. She put her hands in the small shorts pocket a smile on her face as people looked at her. She walked down the crowded streets looking for a phone.

She bumped into someone, "oh I'm sorry." She smiled at them. The person nodded and continued walking. Y/n turned a corner and took out the money in the wallet. "Typical. Who walks around with $5" she rolled her eyes wiping the wallet off before throwing it on the floor.

She fixed her sun had a bit to cover her eyes as she walked towards a hot dog stand. "Excuse me. Could I use your phone please." She smiled at the man.

"You gotta pay." He looked at the newspaper completely ignoring her. "$20 per call."

"$20 per call? What kind bullshit.." she muttered to herself more but she didn't care if he heard it. It was a stupid price to use a busted up pay phone.

"If you won't pay then leave." He scoffed still looking at the paper. He had a cigarette hanging in his mouth.

Y/n sighed walking over to him and placing a finger over the newspaper. She leaned in close so her chest was on display thanks to the shirt she tied. "Are you sure? I can't use the phone." She asked his eyes shifted to her chest. "I'll make sure to give you something in return..." She placed a hand on his lap her fingertips brushing along his thigh.

"Listen-" he cleared his throat and shifted in his seat. He was about to decline but when he saw the dark look in her eyes he changed his mind. Y/n felt his pants suddenly get tight and she smirked to herself when he got up to get the phone.

He payed for her to use the phone, she smiled at him brightly stepping in the booth. The phone rang for a bit before someone picked up. "Zeke?"

"Y/n! Your okay." His voice was full of worry, she looked at the man waiting patiently. "Where are you."

"Listen I don't have much time. I don't know where I'm at. But I have to end the call or they'll track it." Y/n quick spoke to the man over the phone who was writing down the information. "Go there and to that locker and you'll find something. Don't tell Danyl though."

"Y/n wait-" y/n cut him off by hanging up since she was sure they managed to track it but the call wasn't long enough to listen in on.

"Now. For that reward." The man smiled at y/n looking at her body.

Y/n smiled as she walked towards him. She placed a hand on his jaw, "I wouldn't forget." She hooked her hand on his belt.

Before he could comprehend what was going on her hand that was on his jaw swiftly moved down to his neck as she banged his head against the brick wall knocking him out. A bit of blood got on her hand so she simply wiped it on his shirt.

Floch rushed to the alley way panting. He looked to see the man on the floor and his head bleeding. He sighed that he was too late, he ran a hand through his hair fixing his shorts.

His phone began to ring and he answered it quickly. "To late, she's already gone." He muttered looking at the note on the males forehead.

'Too slow, better luck next time.'

The note read, read it to Eren over the phone who only let out a simple laugh while he continued to eat his food.

𝕐/𝕟 - 𝔼𝕣𝕖𝕟

{~~~~~~~~~~~} •prurjent

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