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"What are we gonna do with y/n?" Armin asked as he drank the whiskey in his glad. "I mean, she's been here for four months and hasn't gotten us anywhere."

"This is the longest we've had a hostage." Mikasa chimed in tracing her thigh tattoo out of boredom. 

Eren held his head since he had a massive headache. His hair was down and slightly messy, as his shirt was still half buttoned."There's nothing we can do, she's still liable. Kill one of his business partners as a message to wanting to meet."

"Armin, and mikasa I want you to pay his top donor a visit. Armin talk to him while mikasa roughs him up a bit. I'm thinking take his fingers everytime he stalls."

Armin smiled at the thought, it's been a while since he's gotten information out of someone. "If I'm not mistaken, his highest donor is Rawex. He's know for being in love with his daughter..." the sadistic grin that spread across armins face caused a worried expression on Eren face. "Mikasa. Wanna have some fun."

Mikasa nodded as she placed her knives in her thigh straps stretching. Her cropped shirt lifting showing her bra off a bit before she relaxed, her abs in full display. "It's been a while since I've had fun.."

The two started walking to the door when Eren spoke again. "Try not to over do it, I don't need to kill off another obsessed girl."

"Speak for yourself." Armin called out closing the door referring to Lana who's obsessed with Eren.

Eren rolled his eyes before looking at marco. "Go tell jean and Connie to bring y/n." He ordered.

Marco nodded leaving out the room and walking down the long hallway and upstairs to y/n's room. The closer he got he realized Connie and jean wasn't outside on guard.


The voice from inside the room caused Marco to let out a playful sigh as he opened the door. There sat y/n, Connie, Sasha, and jean playing uno.

Y/n had one card in her hand while Connie and Sasha had about ten along with pouting expression. "Uno." Jean muttered placing down a skip card with only one in his deck left.

Connie threw his head back since jean skipped him making it go to Sasha. She had to pick up since the color was red and her deck was full of yellow cards.

"UNO out! Haha I win!" Y/n threw her last card down making Connie and sasha whine. Jean also placed his card down since he was after her, he was also out.

"That isn't fair!! Y/n's deck was full of +4's." Sasha yelled out as y/n bit into one of the last two cupcakes that they bet on. Sasha's mouth watering at the sight of the cupcake as she pouted looking at her.

"No." Y/n turned away to avoid Sasha's puppy eyes.

She then looked at jean who was trying not to focus on her. But it was hard since the two were staring at him as he ate it. "Here." He sighed give in, splitting the cupcake in three handing two pieces to Sasha and Connie.

"Ahen." Marco finally spoke up making everyone look at him. "Eren said to bring y/n to his office."

Everyone in the room straightened up as they placed cuffs on y/n's wrist since she still is a safety hazard and bipolar. They walked her down the hallway Sasha's shot gun in hand as she walked behind the three with Marco.

"Missed me teasing you jeager?" Y/n smiled as she stepped in the room the door closing behind her. Jean and Connie let go of her arms letting, which resulted in her walking and sitting in the seat in front of his desk.

"Yes, I can't live without it" Eren answered sarcastically, as he looked at his phone. "You are here because-"

Her face dropped as Eren explained why she was brought into his office. "What?!" Y/n yelled looking at the man in front of her.

Eren looked up at her finally, "you have to work for the mean time. Till I find you useful." He waved her off.

Y/n felt her eye twitch. "The hell you mean I gotta work?! I'm the hostage! I'll be damned if I gotta work." She glared at him while he held a smug smile.


"That damm bastard." Y/n glared at the ground as she stood in the bird sanctuary. "Fucking asshole- ow!"

Y/n was cut off by an older woman hitting her with a cane. "Keep it down, you'll scare the birds away." She scolded before she popped her again making y/n wince holding her arm. "And stop all that cursing."

"Huh? Who are you." She looked down at the woman who had a bird on her shoulder. "I don't care, I don't wanna be here. I'm going to punch that smug look off that idiots face." Y/n stormed off to the door and right before she reached it she felt something land on her head.

The woman gasped before trying to hold in a laugh. Y/n froze midway to the door, "that better not be." Y/n reached her gloved hand onto her hand and screamed. "My hair!!!!!" Her loud voice called all the birds to scurry away as she began to rinse her hair with a hose.

The old woman walked over helping her scrub the bird poop out "be careful what you say. One of these birds is very protective over the Eren." She pointed to the bird.

Y/n looked up through her wet hair at the bird sitting on a branch. "Count your days you feathered freak, I'll cook you." She glared at the bird that was just watching her.

The old woman laughed shaking her head handing y/n a towel for her hair. "That's Dmitri, I named him that since he's vertical devoted to the Eren."

"I don't care about his damn name." Y/n sassed which earned her pluck on her ear making her back away. "What's your problem lady! Why do you keep hitting me. Who are you."

"You deserve it, your mouth is reckless. You need to learn sone manners."  The woman scolded y/n again, as she walked away to sit down y/n following her. "My name is Elei, I take care of these birds." She held her hand out and a bird landed gently on her finger.

"So your just an old crazy bird lady that works for Eren, cool." Y/n rolls her eyes walking to go sit but she tripped.

Elei lifted the cane she placed to trip her. "I don't work for Eren, this is my facility. As of today you work for me. So go feed the birds."

"Who's going to make me." Y/n glared at the woman with her arms crossed.


"Crazy old lady." Y/n whispered using her free hand to rub her head as she walked to the bucket. Here she was feeding the dumb birds because that woman beat her with her cane. "Who does she think she is? Bossing me around." Y/n muttered under her breath.

She stopped at the bucket pacing her gloved hand inside to put the food in a bowl for the younger birds. When she pulled her hand out her body tensed up at the sight of something moving on her hand. "AAAAAHHHHHH!!" She screamed throwing the alive worms on the ground.

The older woman watched from a higher level laughing at y/n as the birds started to surround her. "She's out of control.. where'd you find her?" Elei asked.

Eren stopped walking and leaned on the ledge next to the woman. "She's a hostage, her husbands the one who..."

"Eren. I told you, I don't care about the revenge." Elei looked at him.

"But he-"

"It's okay, thanks to you he's still alive. Try not to get caught up in your revenge, i don't want the same thing to happen to you. Your mother would burn the whole city down." Elei laughed patting his back walking away.

Eren looked at y/n watching as she tried to feed the birds. That's when a certain bird landed on his hand. "What should I do Dmitri?" He asked the bird.

{~~~~~~~~~~~} •prurjent

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