Chapter Two: The Explanation.

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~Ian's POV~

"Does Ia-I mean do I have permission to stand?" I questioned, eyes to the floor still.

"Hm, what? Oh, uh, of course. You don't have to ask permission for things like that," he said, sounding mildly frustrated. I don't understand, I am following commands.

"Thank you, Sir-I mean Anthony," I mumbled as I stood to be at almost eye-level with him, him being taller than me. "Do you want the quick version of my story, or the long one?"

"Long one, more details I'm guessing," he said, shrugging and sitting on the edge of the bed, myself remaining standing.

"I was an Angel of Heaven. Have been for as long as memory stretches. But then I messed it up, I messed everything up! I helped a..Demon. My friend Mari made some..mistakes and bad choices, resulting in her being turned into a Dark Angel, or a Demon so to speak. Light Angels and dark are not allowed to associate with one another, but I was a fool. Mari wanted to see her and my own best friend Melanie, so I guided her into heaven and brought her to see Mel. But we got caught by an older Angel along the way. It was foolish, and when the Archangels found out," I shivered at the memories, "it wasn't pretty. I was banished, to Earth. Dropped in the middle of this stupid city, on a street with no food, money or a place to go."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. An Angel? Dark Angels? Light? That's impossible, prove it," he rushed out, clearly overwhelmed. I was tempted to roll my eyes, but Master says that was a call for punishment.

I brought my left palm flat in front of me, swirling my right hand's pointer finger above it- causing a small blue swirl to hover above my palm. Anthony's eyes widened and he stood. ''Can I touch it?'' He blushed right after asking, realizing how inappropriate that sounded to the human mind.

I nodded anyway, he then reached his hand out and had it pass right through. His eyes widened and his mouth dropped open. "If you think that's cool, just you wait," I said, feeling a burst of confidence.

I smiled when I felt the blue of my eyes glowing as I attempted to accomplish my goal. I stopped playing with the swirls and put my hand down the back of my shirt, grabbing a long white feather that I had forced from the scars on my shoulder blades: from where they ripped out my wings.

I handed the feather to him, he looked at it in awe. I snapped my fingers to draw his attention again, looking into his eyes deeply so the illuminating light I was emitting was clearly seen. "Okay, okay. I guess believe you. But if you are an Angel, where are your wings and halo?" As he said this, his voice seemed to grow distant.

My powers evaporated in an instant, causing me to topple forward and hit my forehead off of Anthony's shoulder. My knees gave out, Anthony wrapping his arms tensely around me to keep me standing as he shuffled me over to the bed. I laid down, closing my eyes in exhaustion.


When I awoke next I had a cool cloth against my head, the leftover cuff on my wrist had disappeared and a glass of water and a bowl of some kind of food was resting on the bedside table. I sat up, the cloth falling from my forehead, and reached for the glass of water, chugging it in one go. I wiped my mouth and reached for the bowl next. I tilted my head in confusion at the goop in it, with some bits of other food in it. I smelled it's sweet scent, what is this?

"Have you never had yogurt before?" The sudden voice startled me, causing me to almost drop the bowl I was inspecting. When I shook my head Anthony continued, "well it's just some plain vanilla yogurt, granola, and some berries and kiwi on top."

I was lost, looking confusedly at the bowl, causing him to laugh, "just try it, I promise it tastes great."

I tentatively picked up the spoon and got a scoop of the food, bringing it slowly to my mouth. I chewed, savoring the sweet taste. I let out a groan of appreciation, looking up at Anthony as he stifled a laugh at my awkward outburst. I just continued eating big spoon-fulls, finishing quickly and placing the now empty bowl back on the side table. Anthony picked up both dishes, walking out of the room, causing me to notice the feather I had given him that was tucked into the back pocket of his jeans.

When he came back he stared at me expectantly. "Thanks, for the food and water I mean," I said, eyes once again low to the floor.

"No problem at all man, would you be able to finish your story now? If you feel up to it, of course." He spoke kindly.

I nodded and took a deep breath, "when I was banished here most of my powers were taken, they ripped out my wings and took my halo. But the source of my powers, my Inner Grace, was left partially in tact, hence why I was able to escape in the end. Anyways, when I was wandering the streets I encountered a man. He seemed nice, offered to get me some coffee. But he was an Angel Hunter, he hunts down Dark Angels and banished Angels and..exterminates them. He took a liking to me though, not for personality or anything, just for the inappropriate stuff. Angels are known to be good at that kind of thing, because we can often read people very well, but that does not mean we want to do anything like that. He tackled me down and cuffed me with charmed handcuffs, made for the sole purpose of keeping Angels imprisoned. Blindfolded me, put me in the trunk of his car. And because of my stupid dimmed powers, I wasn't able to escape. I'll spare you the gruesome details for now, just know it frickin' wasn't pleasant. Life as a human seems pretty horrendous to be honest."

Anthony was rendered speechless it seems. He blinks slowly a few times before speaking, "Ian I-I'm so sorry that all happened to you, I would call the cops but it's as if I can't and I don't quite think they'd believe me. I promise, you can stay here. For now, at least. And I won't hurt you. Would you like a shower and fresh clothes? That at least I can offer, and good food and water."

I nodded tentatively and he lead me to the nice little bathroom, leaving me to enter on my own. I stripped off my clothes and knelt down on one knee, head bowed as per usual. I have to wait for Master to come in as well, I wasn't allowed to shower on my own.

Anthony walked towards the bathroom, carrying new clothes, but stopped when he saw me. He dropped the clothes and covered his eyes with both hands quickly. ''Ian?! What are you doing?''

"Ian is waiting for Master to join him. Ian is not allowed to bathe alone." I said.

"Ian. I'm not gonna shower with you. People don't do that unless they're in a relationship."

"But Ian can't bathe alone."

He sighed. "Put a towel on, I'll run you a bubble bath. But I am not getting in with you."

When I gave the all clear, he removed his hands from his face. I could see how red his cheeks were from here, why is he so flustered? Humans are strange.

I waited patiently for the bath to run and fill with bubbles, neither Anthony nor I speaking. When it was ready he covered his eyes again as I slipped into the warm water, settling in with a hum of relief. He uncovered his eyes when I was safely covered up. " Anthony joining Ian?"

Anthony sighed, he does that a lot it seems, in exasperation. ''Ian, you have a lot to learn.''

A.N.: Don't worry, I didn't forget about the missing handcuff, all will be explained later XD Should I continue this story? Or is it really bad? Let me know in the comments!

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