Chapter Seventeen: The Thoughts.

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*No one's POV*

Anthony sighed as he pulled Ian closer to his chest, the blue-eyed man settling once another body made itself known by his side. The nightmares had settled down thanks to Anthony buying these over-the-counter light sleeping pills. They were made from natural ingredients and knocked Ian out pretty quick- but Anthony was still forced to let him sleep in his bed. He'd hoped the nightmares would stop completely so that he wouldn't have to share the bed, but they didn't stop overall and he wasn't cruel enough to force Ian to suffer through them on his own. 

Sometimes this all got too much for Anthony- living with Ian the former Angel. It was difficult when he so desperately wanted to tell someone, but something so easily prevented him from doing so. Ian tried to explain to him it was probably another Angel that was trying to keep Angels a secret, and rightly so. But that didn't mean Anthony understood everything.

He hated that Ian made him feel some type of way. That first kiss Ian gave him was concerning, but something about it just made Anthony feel like he was infected with some sort of sickness that made him absolutely drawn to Ian. It irked him in so many ways. He had the constant need to be by Ian's side, and it was beginning to become a nuisance. 

Ian wiggled in his sleep, turning over to bury his head against Anthony's chest as his fists gripped the material of Anthony's shirt between his fingers. A small sound of appreciation left his lips and he murmured inaudible words under his breath. Anthony smiled softly, rubbing his hand in small circles over Ian's back. 

It wasn't fair that Anthony had kissed Ian like he had. The way Ian responded to every little touch while Anthony gave him that small massage almost drove Anthony nuts as he imagined various inappropriate scenarios. But even imagining doing anything of that nature with Ian was just plain wrong. Ian didn't quite grasp every emotion, he didn't know what was wrong or right in certain situations- it would be taking advantage of him to do anything sexual. He shivered at the memory of how Ian looked when Anthony had pinned him down for the kiss, blue eyes wide and shimmering, lips a rosy pink. 

But he was glad the phone had interrupted them. It meant that he could get control of himself and maybe not have to talk about it with Ian. The poor guy must be incredibly confused by Anthony's actions, not that Anthony understood them himself. Ian was an innocent soul who was tainted by the cruelness of a single human being who tortured him for months on end. Ian didn't like to talk about the methods of torture that were used on him, but the scars on his back said the words for him. 

The scars varied between looking like they could fade away with time and just clearly knowing that they would create flaws in his otherwise perfect pale skin forever. Anthony felt so mind-numbingly bad about knowing how Ian had suffered for months and had no true idea how the world worked. Anthony was trying his best to shelter him from the other cruelty and harshness the world provides, but he couldn't do it forever.

How would Ian ever get a job? He had no papers, no cards, no family, no nothing. They were lucky enough to get away with passing Ian off as an actual person when they took him to the hospital; and Anthony doubted they would be that lucky again. 

Ian shifted once more, wiggling around in distress, and Anthony realized he'd loosened his hold on him. So he pulled him closer once more, Ian's head pressed against his neck as he calmed down once again. Anthony sighed, feeling sad all over again for the poor broken Angel in his arms. Although Ian wasn't technically an Angel anymore Anthony still considered him to be one, for his own reasons. 

He yawned, knowing he was tired physically; but mentally he was wide awake. Anthony found himself doing this often these days, staying up late and trying to think that this is how his life goes now. Ian was a part of his life, and it was a complicated thing. 

He kind of missed the way his life was before it all got so complicated. He had a happy relationship with his girlfriend and he was oblivious to the existence of Angels and Demons and all other forms of monsters. But was his relationship with Abby actually all that great in the end? She hated his cat, and she kept the worst and biggest of secrets from him. 

Ian was as good company as he could get at this point, a true friend despite the fact that they'd kissed on those two occasions. Ian had so much more to learn about the world, and Anthony was really the only person who could teach him. 

The guy had improved a lot through the time they'd known each other. Anthony distinctly remembered the day they ran into each other, how bad of a condition Ian was in at that time. His clothes were practically rags that barely covered his body, his hair was greasy, his face was dirty and he still had a piece of his handcuff on his wrist. Anthony thought Ian was some crazy guy that was going to stab him, but then he saw the way Ian dropped to the ground in defeat as soon as he made eye contact with Anthony. When Anthony found out how Ian was kept as a prisoner and tortured, he swore he would be the one to break the arm of that asshole who hurt him (he was still planning on it). 

If he showed his face again, he would definitely regret it when Anthony beat the shit out of him. 

His attention was pulled from his angry thoughts by Ian letting out a small snuffle in his sleep, sending a tickling feeling on Anthony's neck. Ian managed to wiggle in ever closer, throwing a leg around Anthony's waist and clinging to him like a koala bear. Anthony just suppressed his laugh, burying his face in Ian's hair and letting out a deep sigh against the soft strands as he let himself finally drift off. 


He was rudely awoken by a voice whispering at him insistently. "Anthony? Can you- uh- maybe get off of me? I can't breathe." 

He pulled his eyes open, just now realizing why his bed felt so uncomfortable. He was completely lying on top of Ian, his head over his so that Ian's face was smothered against his neck, letting little pricks of warmth spread over Anthony's skin whenever Ian breathed. Anthony forced himself up into a push-up position over Ian, letting out a small laugh when hearing Ian's over-dramatized intake of breath. But Anthony decided to try something, not knowing what his results would be. 

He sat back on Ian's thighs, smiling at the way Ian's expression shifted into one of confusion. And then his eyes were wide, because Anthony was lunging at him. Anthony's fingers dug into Ian's sides, making Ian practically squeal as a laugh was dragged from him while Anthony moved his fingers in the same continuous motions. Ian was definitely very ticklish, and Anthony couldn't keep back his own laughter as he saw Ian writhing around, trying to shove Anthony off as he flailed around. 

And it was times like this, when he saw Ian laughing and getting closer to proper happiness and recovery from all that he'd been through, that made Anthony have thoughts. 

It made him think of how happy he was that he decided to go out that day he ended up running- literally- into Ian and ended up saving his life without meaning to. Anthony had learned to care for the broken boy, and he was learning how to piece him back together along the way.

A.N.: Sorry for the long wait for this chapter, holy shit. Does anyone even read this story anymore? Anyways, this chapter was short and awful but I just wanted to express a little bit of what Anthony's feeling through third person perspective. Also, I've decided how this story will end, and I'm gonna say one thing.. some people may hate me :') >:)

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