Alone now together

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Joseph's pov

I watched as he took her into his arms. She looked at him with adoring eyes,loving eyes. She looked at me and I looked away returning to my office. I heard a knock on my door just as I took off my shirt.

"I can never relax,COME IN!"I yelled after throwing my shirt onto my bed. I turned to find Mercedes

"You always gonna be shirtless now"She laughed before sitting down,I look at her and rolled my eyes

"Why are even in here?"I asked rolling my eyes,I sat back into my chair resting my legs onto the desk in front of me.

"Because-can I not talk to you anymore?"She asked and I huffed loudly. She looked at me confused and I stared at her before answering

"It's not like you've said anything since he got here? So what's the difference I can't wait till I see your asses off my fucking ship"I growled before filling a glass of rum.

"Why? Why are you acting like this what the hell Joseph?"

"What are gonna do about it? Run back to loverboy,he's upstairs waiting dumbass"I chuckled before drinking my shot of rum.

"Why are you being like this? Are you jealous?"

"Me jealous,damsel you wish,I ain't jealous my woman was twice the woman you'll ever be to me"I said storming up deck.

"Captain,are you okay?"Dean asked sitting next to me. I looked at him and began smoking a cigar.

"I always am Dean"I hissed before leaning over the side of my ship. She arose from below and glared at me before returning to him.

"It's her isn't it?"He asked

"Dean shut up"I said glaring at him with anger.

"You like her,don't you?"He questioned leaning against the beam next to me.

"Can you shut up man? Why would you care anyway?"I said rolling my eyes before they wandered off in her direction why does she have to be so beautiful?

"Look at'cha staring at her already,admiring a damsel you can't touch. It's funny and almost adorable,look you can't living in the past Uce she's gone. You know that,but that doesn't stop you finding love man. I've seen the way you two look at each other something there Joe,find it"He smiled before walking away.

I sighed heavily,but I can't Dean,you don't understand how I can I give my all to someone?When I'm still in love with someone else.

Colby walked over to me.

"Hey I wanna thank you for saving my life"He said reaching his hand out.

"I'm good,I don't want to touch an admiral,you'd order my death even if I saved your life you'd take mine"I growled

"I ain't like the others yeah,you're a pirate but you saved my life. That's all that mattered"He said reaching out his hand again. I hit his hand away

"A pirate never taints his blood by touching a commodore"I said before walking over to Dean

Mercedes pov

Why is he acting so weird? He was fine with me yesterday. In fact we got so close yesterday,we almost kissed. Well I think he was going to kiss me.

He was sat with Dean drinking alongside him. He seemed off but laughed it off with rum and Dean. The crew began singing along with Joseph.

" Yo, ho, haul together,
Hoist the colors high.
Heave ho,
Thieves and beggars,
Never shall we die.
The king and his men
Stole the queen from her bed
And bound her in her Bones.
The seas be ours
And by the powers
Where we will we'll roam.
Yo, ho, haul together,
Hoist the colors high.
Heave ho, thieves and beggars,
Never shall we die"He sang his heart out with the crew,it was an atmosphere I'll never forget.

I looked at him and followed him into his cabin. It was late so the crew began relaxing into their hammocks.

"What are doing in here? Shouldn't you be with lover boy?"He asked whilst taking down his  pants leaving him in his just his underwear. His body was so tempting to touch. Caramel skin,so soft and silky looking. Snap out of it Mercedes.

I felt his hand grasp my hips and he pulled me into his body. His eyes locking onto mine like a predator eying it's prey. His glance froze me in place,his hand glided up my arms. He kept walking me backward and gently pressed my body against the wall. I gulped and his hand softly cupped my face.

He slowly lent down,his breath against my neck.

"You gonna keep eying me up damsel or are you gonna do something?"He whispered seductively. I felt him press his lips to my neck. I gasped as the feeling of soft lips pressing up against my neck.

"Joseph-"I gasped out,he leaned back his face so far away now from me. His thumb pulled down my lip almost teasing me.

I crept onto my tippy toes and wrapped my arms around his neck. He smirked and licked his lips,I ran my hand through his beard. He pressed his forehead again mine grasping my hips.

"You wanna taste danger damsel?"He asked me before pulling my face so close to his.

Our lips brushed against each other and he was about to kiss me until.

"MERCEDES?"Colby yelled bursting through the door. Joseph pushed away from me and looked at us

"Whatever Mercedes just get out"He improvised and winked at me after Colby walked away.

"Damn Damsel I was tempted to kiss those lips"He whispered as I walked past him.

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