Chapter 4

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Pulling into the cullens drive my jaw dropped they had one hell of a house, it was huge. Upon my arrival Edward walked out of the house and up to my car door opening it, what a gentleman I smiled and followed him inside.

Entering the house I was greeted by a hug "I'm esme Edwards mom" "hi I'm bella Its nice to meet you" "you too honey" there was just an overall warm vibe off of esme like she had a heart of gold. Edward smiled and introduced me to the rest of the cullens "it's nice to meet you all" I smiled. Edward led me into a huge living room where I sat next to him on their leather couch.

No one was talking we all just sat there, looking at each other. Carlisle was the first to break the silence "so bella-" "shut up there's a game on tv" emmett boomed "language emmett" esme warned. Ha a vampire, getting in trouble, over language that's a first "sorry mom".

the silence returned with the exception of the tv in the back round. Edward stood up and walked out of the room gesturing me to follow. "It was getting too quiet sorry-"

"No it's fine" it really was I like silence it's calming "would you like a tour of the house" he asked "sure"

Edward led me up the stairs and into the first bedroom it had makeup scattered on a table with clothes piled up in the corner. "This is Alice and jaspers room" he announced. Wait they share a room. Edward seemed to notice my confusion or else I said it out loud I'm not sure. "Yeah their together, same with emmett and rosalie." Edward turned and walked out leading me out of their room and into another room, he seemed upset over something in there but I'm not sure what.

After the tour of the house and some question answering on my behalf, I left. Pulling into my house I parked my car in the garage and unlocked the front door. Stepping inside I turned on the lights an went upstairs for a shower. Stepping out of the shower I put on my pyjamas deciding to sleep tonight, my thirst isn't that bad. Closing my eyes the last thing I taught of before i went to sleep was Edward.

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