Aching heart.

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Arms resting on the massive wooden dining table, the spines of his fingers rubbing incessantly over his lips, Geto tapped his foot up and down. He was nervous. Just as much as Gojo, but the latter was more capable of concealing it. He leaned serenely in his seat, elbows on the chair backs, fingers interlaced on his lap.

"Do you know what she wants to talk about?"

"Nop," Gojo returned tersely, letting the P pop.

"Do you at least know where she is?"

"No idea."

The answer left a bitter taste in both men's mouths. At the time they woke up , they found themselves alone in their girlfriend's big bed, something that had never happened before. She was usually the last one to wake up, and if she did wake up early, she would use the time for snuggling up to her men.

First, they had thought she was hanging around somewhere in the big house, however, they both discovered the same message on their phones: Please wait for me, I need to talk to the both of you about something. When Gojo tried to reach her, the mailbox immediately jumped up, leaving the two with no other option but to wait.

Dissatisfied, Geto sat back with a sigh. "Do you think she's bringing home a third guy?"

Gojo's sharp look made him roll his eyes. "That would mean she's seeing someone else behind our backs. Are you saying our girlfriend's cheating?"

Of course, he wasn't going to claim that, and in fact it hadn't been his first thought either, because even in this bizarre relationship of theirs, they had their ground rules. She was with both guys, nothing more. It was not an open relationship and they had both made it clear to her that they could not share her with an additional person. However, the thought of her wanting someone else with her was a little more bearable than what was actually swirling around in his mind.

No one vocalized it, however, they both knew that this relationship couldn't go on forever. Sooner or later at least one of them would have his heart broken, but until then they wanted to enjoy their sweet time together rather than dwell on it. However, that was easier said than done, because now that it might have come to that, neither of them wanted to consider it.

The opening and shutting of the heavy front door left both men sitting upright in their chairs. Even though Gojo had tried to suppress his nervousness before, he couldn't manage it now that he heard her gentle footsteps coming their way.

"Hey guys." Smiling, she walked into the open kitchen. Her small purse in one hand, she balanced a cup holder with two coffee cups in the other one. Gojo's eyes could barely focus off her body, which was covered by a cute, short, flowered dress that clung far too well to her perfect body. If it weren't for the fact that her eyes didn't light up as much as they usually did when the two saw each other for the first time the day.

"Thanks for waiting." She gave them a sweet smile before sitting down in the empty seat between them; Gojo beside her to her right and Geto to her left at the end of the table. "I brought you guys some coffee. Sorry for keeping you from your work."

Both men had come to the decision not to let her know about their work. They didn't want her to come into contact with any of it, and after assuring her that it wasn't anything illegal and that they weren't hurting themselves or anyone else with it, it was okay for her to be kept in the dark about it.

"It's okay, don't worry about it. What is it you want to talk to us about baby?" Geto tried not to come across as impatient, but this meeting was pushing him to the limits of his anxiety.

Clutching the hem of her dress, she glanced nervously at her fingers.

"Hey," Gojo slid closer to her before taking her hand in his, giving her a slight smile. "You're worrying me, with the way you're acting."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2022 ⏰

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