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"...and when one of them meets the other half, the actual half of himself, whether he be a lover of youth or a lover of another sort, the pair are lost in an amazement of love and and intimacy and one will not be out of the other's sight, as I may say, even for a moment..."

― Plato


{Age 18 & 19}


The subtle nighttime breeze that passed through the lively carnival grounds sent a shiver through Seungmin's body, prompting the elder teen to drape his jacket over his thin shoulders. He sent a grateful smile over his shoulder prior to snuggling into the velvety soft, cleanly scented fleece. "Oh, look!" Hyunjin pointed toward a particular game booth, one that Seungmin had always stopped at and spent far too much money at every time they'd visited over the many years that they'd known each other.

The blonde pushed his wheelchair to the counter and presented the necessary cash needed to play, despite Seungmin fussing over him spending his money on him. Hyunjin simply shushed him and pushed him closer prior to extending a hand toward his best friend.

"I'm not sure that I can, Jinnie," Seungmin stated dejectedly, his hands remaining idle atop his lap. He hadn't been able to pursue anything athletic in months due to his poor health, so the prospect of physically exerting himself by tossing basketballs into a hoop didn't seem wise nor viable. Still, Hyunjin took his slender hand in his own and cautiously lifted him to his feet.

"I'll help you, Silly! Stand in front of me."

Unsure, but inevitably swayed by Hyunjin's overflowing enthusiasm, Seungmin stood before their game lane and palmed the faded orange basketball presented by the carnie. The familiar touch of his crush suddenly found residency on his hips, setting his cheeks alight and kicking his heartbeat into overdrive. The older teen propped his chin atop Seungmin's shoulder and gave a reassuring squeeze as he cheered him on.

The young male swallowed the uncomfortable lump that'd grown in his throat prior to reeling the ball back and weakly tossing it forward, missing the hoop by an unfortunate amount. Just as he was about to confirm that he couldn't do it, Hyunjin's warm hands covered his own and led them to the ball once it had rolled back down the lane.

Together, the duo scored enough points to pick out a mid-tier prize - not that Seungmin noticed. His concentration was completely devoted to Hyunjin's body pressed against his own, the hands holding his, and the ticklish feeling of the other's breath fanning against the side of his neck. All noise around him became incoherent - drowned out by the sound of his hammering heart in his ears.

Would he be able to feel how rapidly his heart raced? Were his hands clammy? What if Hyunjin noticed his stuttered breaths whilst he desperately tried to focus on something other than how flustered the intimacy behind the position left him?

Only when Seungmin was led to the nearby prize pool did he snap out of his barrage of worries. His lashes fluttered as he scanned the wall, unsure of what they were allowed to pick since he wasn't paying any attention to their score. He glanced toward the blonde for some guidance to find that he was eagerly eyeing a small, golden plush puppy. "Is that what you want?" He questioned, gesturing toward the stuffed animal.

Hyunjin nodded and beamed at him, his eyes nearly disappearing from the genuinely joyous expression. The heat on Seungmin's cheeks somehow intensified further, prompting him to clear his throat and turn his face away, hoping that he wasn't being too obvious. Fortunately for him, Hyunjin was seemingly oblivious to anything but the carnie retrieving their reward from the pegboard.

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