your what?

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   Even when the night was so calm and comforting the atmosphere in the younger prince's chamber wasn't.  It was rather suffocating. 

     After coming up with the omega,  jimin and jungkook made thier way back to palace with much difficulty.. Jungkook wasn't taking the thing easier.  His eyes were grey as he sat on the bed now .

     " Who is he to you, alpha ?" Omega prince asked as the general looked at him from the couch as he sat straight .

     " I suppose it will only trigger you more now , my prince. It was -" The alpha was cut off by the omega who growled at him .

     " Who is that?! "  It was the omega who is speaking it was clear to Jimin as he saw those grey eyes. 

     " Omega ... I need you to calm down and let prince out for me " Jimin said his voice slow yet it held something that he didn't used with jungkook yet.  It was dominance .

     The omega purred in the way the alpha called it . Whining and completely forgetting about everything . It let the younger prince take control .

     Jungkook blinked a few times before looking at the older.  Even jungkook himself felt something sharp in his heart a feeling of hurt when he saw his alpha and the omega. 

    " Are you okay , my prince ?" Jimin asked as the younger nodded looking at his own hands before gaining the confidence and looked at the older. 

     " Who was he ?" This time jungkook's voice was rather soft inaudible even . It felt as if he didn't want to make a scene yet was too curious. 

     " He is a commoner , my prince " The alpha said but it was evident in his voice that he was trying to hide something . And that alone made the younger more curious. 

     " Who is he to you alpha ?" Jungkook asked his voice more confident than before. 

     " I am sorry to break it to you my prince.  But he was my sexual companion in past" Jimin said not wanting to elaborate anything just so it will make the omega sad.  He doesn't need to care maybe he do?   He doesn't know it himself.  But jimin wants to keep the younger happy as it was his duty and he failed in that, even now ...

     Jungkook's eyes were glossy and fuming in anger , jealousy . It was fine to feel those as omega is now mated to the alpha.  Even if they are happy mates or not it still ached when he know that the alpha had already had someone with him .

     " C-could you elaborate for me ?" Jungkook asked his breath shortening as he tried to control his anger and tears. 

     " I don't want to hurt you , my prince.  But during the days when i have my ruts i used to have sexual orientation with him as the same goes with him . It was that we agreed to do that ,so that there wouldn't be any forcing of anyone ." Jimin said as jungkook bit his lips. 

     " Why he hugged you now then ? Doesn't he know that you mated me ? Do he still needs you? Are you still gonna have him?" Jungkook asked as his eyes turned to grey in the last line glaring at Jimin who only looked at the younger

    " He wasn't here since half a year , my prince.  Supposedly he doesn't know about our mating . And for your assurance even if he needs me , i won't go to him as i mated you , my prince . I will find a way to pass my ruts . I wouldn't be involved with someone else if it angered you"  the alpha said

    " It does anger me.  It really does " jungkook said his tone was harsh as he glared at his own hands.  The thought that someone had a taste of his mate and saw him , that he himself couldn't see alone made him more mad. 

    " You refused to have any sex with me , your mate.  You didn't touched me ! He saw you , who is the little omega ? Thinking he can be better than me ?! I am the omega you want!" Jungkook's eyes turned grey as it was evident the omega took control over jungkook's body ...yet again .

     " Prince , i assured you that it will not happen anymore.  We can't change the past-" Jimin was cut off by the omega launching himself on him .

    Jungkook's eyes were still grey as he sniffed the alpha. 

     " It does.  It does . You are mine . My alpha . Mine . Mine " the omega said as jimin held the omega in place knowing that the omega wolf is going crazy .

     The next minute he pinned jungkook on the couch as he hovered over him. 

    " Calm . Down  ,little one " Jimin said as he growled at the omega who whimpered under his gaze.  Picking up on how to calm the omega jimin caressed jungkook's cheeks. 

    " I am yours.  But i wouldn't be if you acted like this little one.  You are suffocating him.  Be a good one and let him out . Now " Jimin said his voice both soft yet athoritive . The omega whimpered as jungkook's eyes soon turned to brown as his cheeks heated up and decorated itself with a pink blush.

     " I- i am sorry.  I " jungkook stuttered out as jimin removed himself from the younger whi now sat on the couch looking at his hands. 

    " You certainly don't need to say sorry , my prince.  I am learning about you.  And i am sorry about the issue we had now.  I will not be with anyone anymore.  I hope it will help you feel happy.  I am now mated , i don't want to make you sad my prince " jimin said as he looked at the younger who nodded now looking straight at Jimin with glassy eyes with shine in it. 

   " Thank you ... I am sorry again if i seemed like i over reacted.  It's just " jungkook said as the older placed his hands on the omegas shoulder which sent a shiver run through jungkook's spine yet comforted. 

    " I can understand , my prince " Jimin said as he soon left the room. 

     The general made his way out of jungkook's chamber as he looked at the sky , the moon it reminded him of the way jungkook narrated it few hours ago. 

    He felt sad and low of himself ...yet again.  He knows that he isn't worthy of the prince, not anything that's why he pitied the younger that he mated with someone like him.   He atleast wanted to make the younger happy as that's what the king and boy asked for . And he failed in doing that too...  That's what Jimin thinks of himself . 

     His depressed thoughts start to get a toll on him again as he shooked his head , wiping his lonely tears as he made his way back to chamber.  To sleep out the night letting the tears bury inside him not letting it out.


   If anyone is confused by the happenings let me tell you. 

     So there is something called inner wolf and the human.  The werewolves who lives as human like jungkook. 

    Jungkook has a inner wolf which is his wolf form but only voice.  Jungkook and his inner wolf can have conversation just like any other wolf. 

    And in jungkook's case his wolf takes control most of the time as jungkook couldn't control it . That's all i can say for now . You will know other stuffs soon . Hope you liked it


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