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Amity had spent the last week since Grom Night delving into homework, keeping quiet, and avoiding Luz in particular. She wasn't sure how to act around her at the moment; after their shared battle with the Fear Bringer, or after experiencing several very real scenarios of being in her life, thanks to the genie, Jinn. She felt awkward, and out of place among her peers suddenly; as though she knew something they didn't. What did Jinn mean by telling her to get away from the Boiling Isles before things went bad?

Between being grounded, her rapidly growing and unreciprocated feelings for Luz, and the mystery that Jinn had left her with, she hadn't even noticed that Grudgeby season had also started. Fortunately, that would likely result in not having to deal with Boscha for awhile as the Banshees would be travelling across the Boiling Isles; a reprieve if ever she received one.

She had followed her brother and sister to school; her unwelcome chaperones while she was grounded. Amity had certainly considered telling her mother the whole story of how she had come to find the mysterious genie bottle, after Edric had taken it from the attic of the manor and then lost it to Principal Bump, but she doubted that it would do any good. Edric and Emira were intended to be their mother's legacy, but had so far fallen short of her expectations. Despite that, they were still Odalia's favored children, even if the Blight legacy had fallen on Amity now.

The twins entered the front door of Hexside, shooing away the various spirits that were floating about the entryway, shaking pompoms and waving flags. A large blue banner flew above the school that read 'Go Get'em Banshees!', further instilling relief in Amity that her time with Boscha in the coming months would be short.

Amity made her way to her locker, dumping an armful of texts that she'd been pouring over through the weekend into the creature's mouth, and used a gentle hand to convince it to close again when she heard the sound of mixed laughter down the hall. Curious, she began to make her way toward the sound when a distressed cry from the school's front doors pierced through the pleasantries.

"Nobody's here!" Boscha called, having arrived and expecting the student body to be at her feet. As the Grudgeby Captain, despite the Banshee's loss at Glandus High a short time ago, Boscha was used to bringing glory to Hexside, and was thus also accustomed to all the fame, accolades, and privilege that came with it. As the laughter continued, Amity watched as Boscha grew curious as well and peeked down the hall to where a collection of students had gathered around Willow. She couldn't help but smile to herself as she spied a familiar, flowery clip in Willow's hair.

"Do me next! Do me!" Gourdon insisted excitedly to Willow, causing confused looks on both Amity and Boscha. Willow traced a glowing green spell circle around a flower pot she was holding with an empty vine protruding out of it. Nearly instantly, a large purple melon sprouted and grew into an impressive facsimile of Gourdon's head that he plucked off of the vine and cradled in his arms. "Welcome to the world, little buddy." he said with a teary eyed smile, looking up at Willow as he tickled the culinary copy's chin. "You're the coolest, Willow."

Boscha gathered her entourage; Amelia, Skara, and Cat, and proceeded toward the crowd. Amity took a breath and focused her determination, knowing full well what was about to happen. While Poe, the orange colored demon student with bright blue eyes and a beak-like face sang Willow's praises, Boscha loudly proclaimed to her trio of friends, "Wow! She has to make friends out of plants! How sad." she laughed; being joined by her posse.

Amity approached Boscha, her expression carefully neutral. "Oh, please!" she exclaimed, rolling her eyes. "You know, I used to be like you, Boscha. Obsessed with status, challenging my competition; but I grew up." she said, narrowing her eyes. "When will you?"

The crowd around Willow let out a collective laugh as Amity walked away. Her anxiety at having to face down Boscha in defense of Willow lingered, but it also felt amazing having done so. She could assume that word would eventually reach her mother that she had called out Boscha; in public, no less. She was already grounded for what seemed like would be eternity; what more trouble could she get into? She was nearly fifteen now, and felt like she had lived lifetimes during her encounter with Jinn. She really had grown up, was more mature, and ready to be content in her relationship with Luz as friends...

The Owl House S1: Amity's PlightWhere stories live. Discover now