Hard Knock

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The rooms dark, and the only noise inside is the faint whistling of a man asleep.

His eyes lift as he slowly awakens, breathing in the dirty air of the motel room. He'd fallen asleep on his little workstation again, and it was happening more and more frequently, falling asleep while working. Sitting up and straightening his neck, he hears a few pops in his joints.

"God i need to start sleeping in bed," he mumbles and yawns.

Sitting up from his desk he looks at himself in the standing mirror and examines himself. Bags under the eyes, and his stubble has grown considerably since yesterday. His body is thin too, and his skin is paler than usual.

reaching out he grabs his plague doctor's mask and Black and long cloak, and throws them on quickly. looking back at the mirror he nods at himself, "That's better," he tells himself.

He walks towards the door, but before he opens it there's a heavy knock. He stops and looks through the peephole, and Its the owner of the motel. "Shit," he whispers and starts unlocking the door and lowering the cloaks hood.

Opening it he's about to speak before being cut off. "we're getting complaints about you and your business, I think its best if you leave." the motel owner says, obviously annoyed.

"But I paid for the week, its only been 3 days. I haven't even seen any patients, i've been sitting in here making my medicine." The Doctor attempts to defend himself, but the Motel owner isn't having of it.

"Listen, I don't care; I let you stay here under the stipulation that you wouldn't stir up trouble, and obviously you haven't been listening, since the complaints, I'm getting tell me you're not holding up your end of the deal. So get out." The man says, subtly flashing a handgun in his belt.

Taken aback by the sudden flash of a weapon, The Doctor nods and opens the door wider. "Let me collect my things," he says with a resigned tone.

Walking back into the dark room that he's called his home for the past 3 days, he grabs his supplies, medicines, and various other things and puts them in a rucksack. Taking a last look behind him, he sighs.

"Am i gonna get my money back for the nights im not using at least?" The Doctor says after the Owner locks the door behind them.

The Owner shoots a dirty look to him, "Sign in the lobby says No refunds under any circumstances, does that mask make it hard to read? Now Scram!" They shout, shooing the Doctor away.

As the Doctor leaves the area he looks around the town he's been in for a couple weeks, "I think i've overstayed my welcome here" he says as he sees people staring at him, some with looks of fear and others with looks of disgust, one of them looked like he wanted to attack but only stopped by a woman pulling him along.

"Its best i leave, find a new town." he thinks as he walks towards the gate leading out to the destroyed world and ruins


The Doctors walks the road, the gray and dusty asphalt under his boots cracked and uneven. Over a period of days he walks, taking refuge in old and damaged buildings for shelter and refuge from the cold, nighttime, and the occasional hostile scavenger.

Eventually just on the horizon, he saw something. probably during an earthquake, the ground had cracked and a part of it had created a cliff face, raised high up in the sky. A large building was next to the cliff, just large enough to get to the top of the sheer rockface and on the other side.

 Diverting his course he makes it to the building, finding it empty of both things to collect and any threats to his safety.

despite the structural integrity of the stairs, he ran up them.

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