Soft knock

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//CW: descriptions of surgery//

Clawd wakes up from his sleep, he hadn't really gotten much. Although, from what he's read and experienced that's normal. Moving into a new place, the first nights were the hardest. Any sound outside his hideout would wake him up, ready for a fight.

Getting out of bed with a groan, he walks into the kitchen area and grabs a jar off his shelf and grabs some dried meats and water, and sits down to eat breakfast.

Downing the meat quickly, the salt made his mouth dry as a desert and he chugged the water. "God Opposum is horrid, salt doesn't make it any better." He shuddered, the taste barely leaving his tastebuds.

Placing the jar back on the shelf, he walks back into his room and grabs his mask and jacket and puts them on.

Fully dressed, he sets out into the town. Hopefully I will find any potential customers or maybe some medicines people have overlooked.

As he walks, some people turn to stare at him or just leave him alone. Clawd just doesn't mind them, having gotten used to it. All this over some mask, sure its creepy but he liked it. 

Something felt... Odd though, besides the normal glances he felt another pair of eyes on him. Like someone was just watching, and following him. Every time he turned, nothing was there though. 

He decided it was just his nerves, "a new town with new faces tends to leave ya paranoid." He rationalizes to himself.

Entering a small bar on the ass end of town, he hears pained screaming. He rushes over quickly and enters the bar.  On the floor is a man, and surrounding him are 4 others. 3 of them barking orders at the one on the floor, who is actively clutching his bleeding forearm.

"Move, I'm a doctor!" Clawd shouts, rushing to the man and each of the 3 men moves out of the way. 

"He's fine, just a flesh wound. he needs to stop being a baby, and just walk it off." the tall one says.

Clawd ignores him, not because he's trying to; but because his attention is all on the giant stab wound in this man's arm that's currently bleeding more than a fair bit.

"gimme your arm, I'm a doctor. My name's Clawd Tordri, whats yours?" Clawd says. The man had moved his arm toward him to fix. 

"Terrence! Terrence Tolls, God it hurts so much!" The man says through choked sobs, he's somewhere around 17 to 18. Not even a man, Just a kid.

"You'll be fine Terrence, you've been keeping pressure on the wound so you've slowed the bleeding. Just keep doing that while I grab my supplies, you got that?" Clawd asks, trying to sound as empathetic as possible. Which wasn't hard, the look on the kid's face just destroyed him inside.

Reaching into his pack, he grabs some herbs, bandages, stitches and some other things. "Hey bartend, grab some of your purest alcohol. I need to disinfect this!" He says to the bartender, the only one who was trying to help the poor kid. He nods and rushes to the back and soon comes back with the alcohol.

first he wipes the injury of blood and dirt, and then looks up to the guy. "Im not gonna lie terrence, this is gonna hurt, a lot" Clawd says, and then pulls a small leather object and hands it to him. "Bite down on this" He finishes, and Terrence nods and places the leather in his teeth.

Pouring a bit of alcohol on a rag and dabbing it around and on the wound, the man grunts and seizes in pain. After disinfected he inspects the wound, looking for any cut veins or anything else.

"Okay Terrence, your lucky. There's no vein or artery damage, so once I sew this up and bandage it you should be good. if you need to, you can bite down on that as much as you want. I can get replacements easy, so you don't have to worry about that." Clawd says, continuing to try and ignore the people behind him, calling the boy out for being "weak"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24 ⏰

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