Chapter 1

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It all started my first year of collage. I decide I needed to get out of New Mexico so i went to London. I am tan, not very tall, and have brown eyes and hair.My best Friend Sammy likes to say i have curves in all the right places but I don't see it. I was unpacking in my new dorm. It was small but I would have to share it with one other person. She walked in while i was pulling out my guitar. I heard a voice form behind me say "Hello. I'm Anne." i turned around to see Anne, she was not very tall but either was I she had Purple hair and grey eyes. She was one of those pretty girls. "Hey." I said "I'm Marisol." we shake hands "Wow." she said "Your really pretty." "Um thanks. So are you I love your hair. Purple my favorite color." she laughed and said "Mine too." I helped her get the rest of her bags into the dorm and then turn back to my packing. "You play?" she ask pointing to my guitar "Oh yeah." i answer "Cool." she says "I play piano." then she hangs up a Ed Sheeran Poster. "Hey you like Ed Sheeran so do I." I say and take out my poster. Anne smiles then yells "For the ginger god!!!!" she a weird one but I like weird. i laugh and then yell "For the ginger god!" 

We both fin sh unpacking but while we were packing we talked and got to know each other. Anne wants to write plays for Broadway. She grew up in Ohio so she loves potatoes. And we have allot in common but she doesn't like punk and I do. So after packing Anne's eyes get big then she lifts one of her fingers and says "Hey it's our first night her lets go to  a pub. I know one of Ed Sheerans favorites is in walking distance."  I laugh a little at her weirdness then say "Okay lets get ready. We do our make up in case of any cute British boys are there, well we are in London so of course there are. Then Anne curls my hair and hers and I do her make up and mine. And we are off.

We get to the pub,it's a nice little place there's music and quit a few people here too and some of the old couples are dancing to the music, I think that's cute. We walk up to the bar and order two beers. After the beers come Anne says "He look to your left a little. The guy in the orange hoodie and dun glass." I look out of the corner of my eye and see a guy in a orange hoodie with his hood up and sunglasses on. It looks like he is looking our Way but its hard to tell "How can you tell if he is looking at us he has sunglasses on." I say. she puts her hand to her chin then says "I don't know just a feeling." we sit and after another beer, Mr. sunglasses walks over then says "Um hi. can I pay you a drink?" Up close he has a little orange stubble on his face he must be a ginger. I smile then say "Um well. Why not?" Then Anne speaks up and say "I'm feel like dancing." and then walks away and ask some old guy to go dance. Mr. sunglasses then says "Wow is she drunk?" i laugh then answer "No she just that weird." He laughs then say "Hi. I'm Edward but call me Ed." and sticks out his hand. I take his hand shake it and say "Hi I'm Marisol." he smiles he look familiar... Ed.. no it can't be. The beer comes and he speaks up "So Marisol. Your not form here." "No." i answer "I just moved here form New Mexico." "Oh cool." he says "Why?" "Collage." I answer "Wow what are you studying." "Writing." . We talk for a while then another beer later Anne comes up and says she has to leave but I want to stay her and talk Ed. We talk i find out he lives here and he a musician. After a while i have to go so I say "I'm sorry but i have to go." He gets up and says "Here give me your number and I'll walk you home." "Ok." I say giving him my number then he walks me home. When we get to my door I pull out my key and they fall. I'm pretty sure I'm drunk. Ed picks them up then says "Here." I look at him and say "How can you see in those sungalsses?" he shrugs and then says "Reason." "But i want to see if Ed is as hot as i think." i whine wow yup I'm drunk. he Laughs then I take off his glasses and to my surprise it's the one and only Ed Sheeran. "Holy crap your Ed Sheeran." he takes off his hood then looks sad and says "Um yeah bye.' but i catch his arm and being drunk I kiss him. He is a really good kisser "Don't leave.' I say when we pull apart then take him into my room.

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