Chapter 24

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It's been 2 days since the fight and I've haven't really been myself as Anne puts it. When I came home crying I told her what happened. She didn't say anything but I know she didn't want to say I acted like a huge bitch. I don't leave the dorm only for work and school other then day I stay in bed. I video chat with Sammy to see Joesph and told her what happened she says I should go apologize because everyone can see I love him. I told her it's not that easy. She said to stop sulking around and whining unless I go do something about it if not then don't complain. She's right I had a great guy. Monique hears the news, she calls me from her honeymoon she says that if the relationship really matter I would go fix it. Cheyenne got the Modeling job and now is moving to London. She stops by one day while I'm in bed crying still, while eating Nutella.

When she walks in and see what I look like she says "Aw you poor thing.'' 

"Go away.'' I say "I don't want to see people.'' 

"To bad.'' she says taking the jar of Nutella I was eating. 

"Hey give it back.'' I tell her. 

"Not until you get out of bed.'' She says then Anne walks in and take the Nutella from Cheyenne and put's it in the fridge. 

"Oh good maybe you can get her out of bed.I've been trying for days.'' She tells Cheyenne.

It's true she's been trying since the day after the fight when I called in sick and did go to work. So far I've been able to go to work today and school other then that I don't leave my bed. 

Cheyenne turns  to me and yell at me "Stop being a bitch and get out of bed and go apologize to him!'' 

''You don't get it.'' I tell them turning around "I fucked every thing up it's unfix able.'' 

I start to cry they hug me. 

Ed P.O.V 

I can't believe it. She was gone the thought keeps running through my head


"I've been hurt and used before, but I never thought it would be by you.'' Then I walk out of the room. I feel bad about what I said so I go back to apologize but she not  in the room and then I hear a door slam. She's gone the love of my life is gone. 

(End of Flash Back)

I haven't really left  my bed in two days and all I do is drink beer and eat. 

Harry stopped by because I won't answer my phone and told the studio I lost my voice so I can't go in. 

"Come on mate.'' He whines "Time to get up. I know she meant a lot but it's time to go fix this. You can get her back.'' 

A tear runs down my cheek "I can't she doesn't love me. She never did.'' 

Harry pulls the covers off "You know what she is doing right now. Cheyenne told me that she is in her bed crying with a jar of Nutella right now like you and that can of beer.'' 

This can't be true "She is?'' I ask sitting up. 

"Yeah. Mate you can fix this she does love you it's plan to see. Anyone can see it by the way you two look at each other.'' He tells me 

I got an idea "I have an idea just hope it works.'' 

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