The Changes - Part 3

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 Sunday morning, Alex sat on the bed, watching me get dressed for the day. I winked, standing in my boxers. "Checking me out?"

He smiled, amused. "Maybe? Mainly checking out your boxers."

I looked down at the simple, striped underwear. Alex wore tight trunks that showed off his legs and butt. He put his fingers against his lips, still looking amused and increasingly... sympathetic? "Your taste hasn't changed since we were twelve. Striped boxers. You wore that when you came to visit me at uni too."

Touching the hem, I thought back to ten years ago.

"Come payday, we're going shopping."

"You don't remember, eh?"

"Remember what?"

I turned my back to him and put on my shirt as I revealed something embarrassing. "We went to the mall for back-to-school shopping and my mom tried to let me pick out my clothes for the first time. I still couldn't be bothered to choose, but she was really pressuring me to be independent, so I asked you. 'Which do you like best?' You said the stripes."

The silence was getting to me, so I turned my head to peek back. Alex's lips were parted, smile was gone, and brows ever so slightly pinched. His mouth opened and closed a few times before he said, "I remember sleeping over one night and after your shower, you randomly coming to me and asking what I thought of your boxers."

"Probably after we went shopping." I turned back around to step into my jean shorts.

Warm arms wrapped around me from behind, pinning mine to my sides. His cheek moved against my back as he said, "I'm sorry."

"What are you apologizing for?" Pulling out of his arms, I turned around to wrap mine around him instead. I was the one who should apologize. And it wasn't like I thought of Alex every time I bought underwear. Stripes just became a habit after that; I hated shopping and picking out clothes, so little thought went into anything.

His eyes said he didn't know, but he was sorry, so I kissed him. "I love you," I found myself saying. I kissed him again, this time deeper. I really loved him and really wanted to show him. "What time are your friends coming over for the housewarming again?"

He blinked slowly. "Two."

Last I checked, which was maybe five minutes ago, it was 12. "Then we have time," I said, glancing at the bed. "Can we?"

Alex raised an eyebrow. "Again?" His full lips smirked seductively. "Sure."


When Alex and I had sex was the only time when I felt 100% like everything would be okay. There was so much love in each touch we shared, and the rest of the world disappeared. It was just me, Alex, and our clear feelings, and I loved that. I loved loving him.

But it really wasn't an appropriate time to be thinking about sex when one of Alex's closest friends and another were entering the apartment.

"You know Jay," Alex said to me, gesturing. "This is his best friend, Riley. Riley's husband and Jay's boyfriend are best friends."

I think I understood that. "Hi again," I said to Jay. "And nice to meet you," I said to Riley.

"You too." Riley was over six feet and looked to be at least part Indian with light brown skin and thick eyebrows and eyelashes. His shiny dark brown hair was chin length and shiny. Why were all of Alex's friends good looking? Oh, but he was married, so I guessed he was okay.

Jay greeted me by jerking his head up, then glanced around the apartment. "This place is small as shit."

Alex cocked his head, switching straight to Sass Mode™. "Not everyone has rich parents."

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