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The teens sat around in a circle, they were currently telling each other scary stories. Y/n and the others were unfazed, however, Mikey, Takemitchi, and Angry, were all huddled under the blanket , shaking in fear.

"Okay! My turn!" Y/n said, smiling deviously.

"Y/n's is probably going to be the scariest."Mikey said, eyes still wide. Y/n just smirked at him, letting his mind wonder.

She clicked the flashlight on under her face. "Once upon a time, a boy broke up with a girl." She said, staring creepily at Mikey.

"Stop making that face Y/n, you look deranged." Kisaki said, ruining the effect.

The girl just scoffed and continued with her story. "He realized that he had fumbled the baddest bitch, and constantly tried to get her back."

Mitsuya gasped in realization, trying not to laugh at the others, who were still invested in the story.

"They all lived in harmony, until one day, they all had a sleep over. She had gotten so sick of him, so she wished to erase his memory."

"Wait.. this is starting to sound a tad bit familiar.."Takemitchi said, the poor boy started running ideas through his head, wondering if anybody told his future self about this.

"So, when they all woke up.. they realized that the boy was missing. When they went to find him.." Y/n paused for dramatic effect.. "There was nothing left but a chicken clucking "Y/n did it!", while circling Mikey's deformed body." She said, breaking out of character and laughing when she saw Mikey's terrified face.

She clutched her stomach with laughter, while Mitsuya just shook his head at her. It took the others a few moments to get it, before they started laughing too.

Mikey just pouted at Y/n, before his face brightened up. "At least you care about me enough to imagine murdering me Y/nie." Mikey smirked at her, she just side eyed him.

"Well, I'm not in the mood for scary movies anymore so.. lets play never have I ever! I saw this website online that claims to have good questions." Takemitchi suggested, the group collectively agreed to start playing that instead.

"I brought alcohol. Whoever gets drunk first has to pay for everybody's Wingstop orders." Y/n said, "Of course, I don't count, so everybody put your credit cards on the table."

"Wait, why don't you count?"

"Shut up!"

" Baji pick a question off of the list first." Draken said, handing him the phone.

Baji scrolled for a bit before his eyes lit up. " Never have I ever...eaten ass before." He said, smirking.

The group all stared at each other in complete silence, waiting to see who would drink. Finally, a blushing Kisaki held his cup up to his lips and took a sip. The whole group erupted in laughter.

"OH HELL NO!!" Smiley yelled, scooting far away from Kisaki.

"NO WONDER YOUR BREATH SMELLS LIKE SHIT!!" Y/n cackled, slapping her knee.

"I SHARED A WATER WITH YOU.." Takemitchi screamed, tears pouring out of his eyes.

"IT WAS ONE TIME JUST SHUT UP!! SHE ATE MY ASS BACK TOO!" He tried to defend himself. The group just laughed harder.

"OH NAH! YOU DEF LIKE DICK!" Baji cackled, hitting Y/n to cope with his laughter. The girl started hitting him back, causing a chain reaction of fights. This, resulted in a huge ruckuss. The whole group started yelling, making fun of Kisaki, throwing chips, and anything that was easy to lift.

This ruckus, of course, woke up Y/n's mother. As soon as they heard her footsteps walking towards her room, they faked sleeping. "TAKE ALL OF YOUR LITTLE ASSES TO BED!" She yelled, before turning back.

"Dont gotta worry about us." Baji said, while the rest of them rushed to make makeshift beds on the floor on Y/n's room.

After everybody had gone asleep, Y/n took the time to go on her balcony and be alone. Now that she was back in Japan, she really had to think about things. When her and Mikey had broken up, it was easy to leave the group because she was already moving to the states for a few months. Now, all of the problems she had put the back of her mind, were resurfacing.

"Is there space out here for one more?" Mikey asked, causing her to shake her head.

The two stood next to each other in silence, not saying anything to each other and just admiring the stars.

"Why do you act like you hate me Y/n? You told me we could still be friends when we.." Mikey said, not wanting to bring up the time when he ripped your heart out and stomped on it.

"Mikey.. you and I both know we couldn't be friends after what happened. You broke up with me with no explanation a day after you took my virginity.." Y/n said. "You have no idea how much that.. ruined me." She said, trying not to cry.

"Im sorry Y/n. I was stupid! I was scared. I thought you were going to leave, so I left first. I haven't gone a day without thinking about you since we left. Please.. let me redeem myself.. we can be together again."

The girl stared at the stars, before answering. "We can't be together again Mikey. However, I will let you redeem yourself." She said, before turning away and going back inside.


I don't really write like this, so i'm kinda scared this chapter is trash. Lmk if you guys want me to write more chapters like this!

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