Prologue: Emptiness, and Nothing More

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{Story Nakidori's POV:}


          It was 5:30 am when I went to the bathroom, I had already grabbed the outfit I was gonna wear. Nothing to special, just some ripped jeans, a purple and black striped shirt, a green leaf print beanie with red and reddish-pink roses on the bottom, a khaki jacket, and the various accessories I wore. The accessories in question were a black upside-down crucifix, a storm cloud necklace, neon pink and white gloves, and some dice earrings. After getting ready, I "styled" my hair, and by that I mean I brushed it over the side and let it do it's thing. I then left the bathroom and decided to play games until 6:30. I had set a timer for 30 minutes so I didn't get to caught up in my game. When the timer started going off I finally, took my racoon socks and slipped on my combat boots, and tied them. I grabbed my bag and left my room.

        I went to the kitchen to make myself some cereal, cus I just wasn't felling that motivated to cook. Of course my mother was there and she said "Oh! [DEADNAME] you're up, finally! I know you're a *girl* and all, but it shouldn't take that long to get ready," 'oh god damnit, I thought she left already.' "Anyways, I'll be leaving after I have a cigarette so bye," she finished. "Okay, bye Mom," I said disguising how upset I was at her. 'Why can't she just use my preferred name and pronouns' I thought bitterly to myself. Although she was right, it did take an hour to get ready counting the time it took to play a couple games.

         I quickly ate my cereal and grabbed pepper spray (just in case), went to my messages and clicked on the one labeled "Bigger Dipshit" and texted him, "hey, asshole on fire, you gonna come with me to school like a leech, or you gonna go on your own?" 30 seconds later he replied with, "yea, u fukin circus clown," "to which one you crumpled gum wrapper?" I retorted with a scowl. He then typed, "im going on my oun screw off!" "own*" was all I typed as a response to that. "fucing bitch" "comeback when you have something creative to call me you stuck up, musty, moldy, cup of sour milk," I left the chat with him, and went to the group chat, "Hoe's Peak," and typed as I walked to school.

         After the entire group arrived, we made references that anyone outside of our group wouldn't get, said (and did) stupid stuff until we had to separate to go to class. Hana and Alex went to Dollars and Sense, Lorena had Choir, Edgar had AP History, and Haru and me had the same first period, P.E. Coach made us run 4 laps around the track, then we played dodgeball, but no one cares about that anyways. During my break, I drew in my sketchbook, wrote some poems, and wrote a little more of my fanfics. Then I had a little snack, and went to AP math with none of my friends sadly. The day stretched out in front of me, long and energy draining. Nonetheless, I stayed conscious, and endured the classes until lunch.

        I had packed myself a bento box, it was full of rice, sushi, carrots, lettuce, noodles, and it had chopsticks with it. It wasn't in a cute shape but it tasted good! I When I sat down, Alex and Lorena sat down with me. Lorena fell asleep after eating, and me and Alex just let her. Alex mentioned her Wattpad account and I immediately asked them what the username was.

         Me and Alex had followed each other, and after reading some of each other's stories, giving constructive criticism, and commenting on other fics, the bell rang, and thus hell was continued. The loud noise had startled all three of us and we parted ways once more. I went to Orchestra with Edgar, and it was actually kinda fun for once. We were gonna play in front of the whole school and possibly our parents, within 2 weeks, so that's gonna be stressful. Next I went to Chemistry. Which was still pretty boring though, so I'm not gonna mention what happened.

          Finally, the class I had been waiting for rolled around, Art! I had just finished my art project; we were to step out of our comfort zones and make an art piece with a certain thing out of your element. For some it was a new color pallet, or a different angle, some were a new object or person to draw. I decided to go with a realistic self portrait. I don't use realism all that much, so it was perfect to use for the project!

         It was around 4:00, so I started to make my way back to my house. I got home at around 4:30, and immediately went to my room flipping my brothers off on the way. Once at my desk I put down my bag, and dug out the essay I was going to write for History. When I pulled out the papers, I cut my middle finger on the edge. I winced at first, but showed no reaction afterwards, I had just pulled the rest out, and looked at the wound. It was, like most papercuts, it was rather shallow, but was bleeding nonetheless. I walked to the bathroom, kneeled down, and got a band-aid from the first aid kit. After that I continued my homework like nothing happened. Once doing homework got boring, I took out my pocket knife and toyed around with it. Soon enough I rolled up my sleeve and pressed the blade to my skin. I sliced my skin open with the sharp blade, and watched a crimson line form where the flesh had been parted. The end of the line soon had a bead that fell to the desk's surface. This had happened multiple times more.

          There were about 5 slits in my wrist when I stopped, and blood was not only running down my forearm but also dripping onto the desk. I didn't really feel anything but a stinging sensation in my arm that brought me to tears. I quickly cleaned up the blood, and bandaged up my arm. I had no motivation to do any more homework, so I just drew some angsty stuff.

        Soon enough later, I had to make dinner because my brothers didn't know how to, and my mother couldn't be bothered to actually cook anymore. I can't remember the last time Mom cooked anything for us. I decided I would make chicken stir-fry. I had finished cooking, called the boys and was now eating with them. We didn't say anything to each other, we just ate in silence. Once we finished, we went to do our respective things in our rooms. I had started playing Left 4 Dead 2, with random players online. I got bored after 5 campaigns, so I left and played other games.

         After a while, I decided to finally get to sleep. I put "I Deserve to Bleed" by Sushi Soucy, on loop. It's not like songs help me sleep, I just like to use them as background noise. It took awhile but I soon slipped into deep slumber.

1,223 words


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