w o r k

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No request
Reader insert is female
More info at the end, enjoy


My manager, Mitch, had to leave for about a month for knee surgeries
Why a month? Because even after surgeries something bad was bound to happen and we all prepared for the worst. I work as a CSR, or Cashier, at one of the local Pizzahuts. And dont tell me you could out pizza the hut because honey what I'm about to tell you will change your mind!

A week before Mitch left he informed us of a new manager stepping in, someone from the next town over and could really help out. Also a friend of Sarah's, she used to work at that specific store. Anywho, the manager was named Zach and from what I was told by Sarah, he was hot. So naturally I mentally gear myself up for the next month to come, readying myself to catch my playfully flirty ways and stay put like the good girl I am.

Unfortunately, Zach wasnt the only new manager we would be getting. My weeks start on Tuesdays, I always get Thursdays and Mondays off, except they swapped my Thursday with my Wednesday this week.

I came in real early, ordered food and waited about 3 hours to come in. From the looks of what Amberlyn had to deal with it was gonna be dead, but I of course had to look busy as to not get yelled at by the new manager.

Now, I'm waiting to clock in and at around 3:30pm I watch as a man with dirty blonde beard, a hat to cover his hair as the sides of his head were shaved, and a red company shirt walks in, immediately being greeted by Matt, our regional manager. Matt and the man, who I assume is Zach, talk as Sarah walks up to me with my 'za.

She leans down and whipsers sweetly, "Aint he cute? Just like I said he was. You'll have lots of fun workin with him, so long as you look busy enough to make small talk." I laugh and shake my head, sure he wasnt hard on the eyes but he wasnt my taste and it became clear to Sarah. That was until I heard his sweet southern accent snap me out of my thoughts, and Sarah out of hers.

"Hey, Darl'n'. You're [Name], right? Name's Zach, I'll be workin' with ya for a while until Mitch gets back!" He leans over the waiting bench and smiles big, nodding his head to Sarah as she passes him with a smile similar to his. I smile weakly, still dazed by his accent and pretty green eyes - did he have those freckles when he walked in?

Stop it girl, you're losin it!

I open my mouth to greet him back but Matt beats me to it. "Ah, we havent talked much before, I'm Matt as you know! If you need anything tonight you've got us and Chris!"

Chris?! Who the hell is Chris?!

Speak of the devil, the bell to the door rings as someone enters and guess who it is. A male just a lil shorter than Zach, him being about 6 foot, walks in with a plaid patterned company shirt, a signature company hat and an apron hung over his arm. He turns to the two men speaking to me and greets them. I'm suddenly left alone as all three men go into the back to talk and start training. Well not really training, just helping them out to get a feel of the place.

As I check my phone I hear Amberlyn call me, "Hey, its bout time you clock in, dear, i gotta get outta here, haha!" She laughs and smiles at me sweetly. I laugh and smile back, nodding and standing up to go to the bathrooms, "Yeah, gimme a bit to change and I'll take over for ya hun, don't worry!" And with that I close the bathroom door and change.

°○°○°○°○°○° lazy shit °○°○°○°○°○°

Amberlyn reassigns her till to me, cleaning up and clocking out, bisding everyone goodbye. I take over the window till, formerly Amberlyn's, and start folding boxes for pizzas. What, I'm doing my job!

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