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When he woke up on Sunday morning, Techno was still upset. Dream had been over dramatic, blew up at him out of nowhere, and refused to apologize. The stubborn jerk had even left him alone in the cold. As he got up, he angrily abandoned his phone on the bedside table with whatever indigo scraps of paper had been left there. Even the idea that Dream might've apologized made him upset, right now, a text was far from enough to make Techno forgive him.

"Hey, sorry about last night." Wilbur mentioned, already in the kitchen. "What'd you do for dinner?"

The memories gave him a headache and made his throat itch, but Techno responded nonetheless. "Went to some fancy French place with Dream." He grumbled.

"Oooo!" Wilbur whistled. "Finally went on a date, huh?"

"No it wasn't!" Techno shouted with sudden intensity. He probably needed coffee or something, he was way too irritable with his innocent roommate.

This gave Wil pause. "Are you okay, did something happen?" Concern was evident in his voice.

"I'm fine. Dream was just being a pretentious child." With the coffee already prepared, he poured a mug for himself.

"Oh, you two had a fight." For an awkward moment, Wilbur waited for an explanation while Techno tried to see how quickly he could down espresso through the scalding pain. Wil spoke up again. "Do you want to talk about it? Get a fresh perspective?"

"No, it's whatever." It came out in a low grumble

"Okay. Then I'm guessing you're not playing badminton today?" Immediately, Techno started choking on the burning hot liquid, having completely forgotten about their gym commitment. "Let's watch some movies then, real dumb ones about fast cars and stuff, that'll keep your mind off things."

Having finished his coughing fit, he looked up at Wil. Somehow he always knew exactly what would make him feel better. Still crabby from the night prior, Techno curled up in a blanket on the couch. Softly, Wilbur smiled.

It wasn't until late at night that Techno calmed down enough to finally explain what exactly had happened. Wilbur nodded sympathetically throughout the story, but didn't furiously take his side, mainly just listening patiently. They agreed that Techno shouldn't go to the gym for a while.

With nothing else to distract him, he turned his attention to work, finally doing long assignments he'd been putting off and messing around much less often. It helped that it was nearing the end of the quarter. However, after only a few days he was getting a persistent headache and pretty serious fatigue after he got home. The regular work outs were much better at keeping him healthy than he'd anticipated but he refused to see Dream again until he at least apologized.

It was Christmas Eve and the awaited apology still hadn't come. Groaning, Techno pulled himself out of bed, fruitlessly checking his phone and throwing on a festive sweater to distract from how weak and depressed he felt. Wilbur met him in the kitchen, grabbing a quick bite to eat before lethargically putting up their decorations.

"Don't sit around for too long, we have to leave in an hour to pick up Phil and Kristin and you're driving."

"Huh? Why me?" Bemoaned Techno.

"Because I need a nap, someone wouldn't stop snoring last night." He complained.

"Fine." After retrieving the wrapping paper from the already open box labeled "holiday stuff" he went back to his room. Luckily his meds were starting to kick in, allowing him to curb the temptation to curl back up in bed, instead pulling out some boxes from his closet to uncover the stash of Christmas presents that he'd been adding to the past year. His mood immediately dropped as he saw the newest addition, an apron with a funky green shuttlecock pattern.

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