Chapter Two

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"Your Majesty's we have arrived

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"Your Majesty's we have arrived." The carriage driver, David said. To be quite honest Lydia and I felt horrible for missing the new Queen's coronation, its just getting down here from the upper realms is quite hard. Lydia's jade green eyes seemed to trace the entrance gates to the castle as if she was intrigued. "Rowan! The walls have Obsidian and Onyx inside of them!" Her eyes lite up as she talked about crystals. Lydia is the Queen of Stratoiena, and she loves crystals. Anytime she gets really excited about something her copper skin seems to glow with joy and her nose scrunches up. "Rowan are you listening to me?" She waved her hand in front of my face and the jingling of her golden bracelets hitting together bring me back to reality.

The carriage door opened with a soft squeak and Lydia gently grabbed the foot mans hand before stepping out of the carriage. Her white sparkly heels hit the bricks covered by a red carpet. The footman came to the other side to let me out. I also gently took his hand and stepped from the carriage. "Thank you sir." I swiftly thanked and went to the red carpet to meet with my Wife. I gently locked arms with Lydia only for her arm to slip and let her hand rest on my bicep. I tilted my head and gently placed a kiss on her head were a golden sun was imprinted on her skin.

The guards quickly opened the dark oak doors and bowed to both Lydia and I. With one hand on my arm she gently gripped the edge of her brilliant white gown. She was truly sight to be hold with her gorgeous brown skin glowing in the light like the goddess she is. "Ahm Rowan." She gently whispered patting my shoulder to grab my attention as we walk into the castle following the red carpet.

"Yes My Love?" I hummed keeping my eyes on the dark throne's ahead of me. " Pay attention Darling." She answered before a blinding smile washed over face. As we reached the end of the red carpet to the thrones where the king and queen both sat Lydia and I both bowed to them.

"Ahh! Welcome Queen Lydia and King Rowan! No need to bow we are all rulers here! How is Stratoiena and Gaiaterreria?" King Hawl exclaimed as he jumped from the throne to come talk to us. Lydia began to answer only to be cut off at the sound of the doors to the throne room opening.

"Well everything in both kingdoms are going fantastic after our wedding! However Rowan does believe a harsh drought is coming up on the farmland of Gaiaterreria." Lydia continued as the soft clinks of heels got closer to the room. Both Lydia and I turned our heads and there she was. Almost like a flash of lightening to our hearts both of us knew she was supposed to be ours. Just like the prophecy states, we just didn't know if it was us or not.

"Mother Father may I ask who are guest is?" Her voice is like tiny bells ringing from heaven. One glance at Lydia and I immediately knew that look, the same one she had on our wedding day. Where her green eyes are filled with a spark and such a lovely look. I quickly tapped Lydia's shoulder realizing we may have been staring to long for our little darling.

"These wonderful people are Queen Lydia of Stratoiena and King Rowan of Gaiaterreria. They are the ones who created the great alliance with their marriage. They wanted to come watch your coronation but got held up at the portal." Queen Serenity stated watching her daughter nod as if in great thought. Suddenly bursting out of the thought she quickly bowed picking her black poofy dress off of the floor.

"I am very sorry your Majesties I didn't know." she stated still in her bow with her eyes casted down. This made my head tilt in question. I looked at Lydia only to see her shrug and gently offer her hand to the new Queen.

"Now now, no need for titles. Just call us Rowan and Lydia, Little lady. We are equals." Lydia's smile and kind words seemed to ease the worries of the new queen. She placed her pale hand inside of Lydia's and straightened her back.

" Oh I am very sorry for not introducing myself, I am the new queen Julianna Madden. I hope to gain great knowledge from you both as rulers." She smiled and looked to both of us. Her father walked behind Julianna only to quickly whisper something in her ear. She quickly blushed and dropped her dress. My eyebrow raised until I saw her heels in her hand. Both Lydia and I chuckled before turning our attention to King Hawl.

"We were wondering if we could stay here for tonight since its almost night and our horses need to rest." Lydia nodded along with my words. King Hawl's smile seem to grow. He called over the nearest maid and told her to get the royal guest sweet ready in which she quickly nodded and ran off.

"Darling Julianna, do you think you could show the King and Queen around the castle and to their room?" Out of the corner of my eye I see her nod and bow before beginning to walk to the hallway behind the throne room.

"Oh excuse me your Majest- I mean Rowan and Lydia please follow me. This is the fastest way to get to the royal rooms." Once more Lydia and I locked arms and followed after Julianna being quite careful to not step on her long lack train. She seemed to nervously walk in front of us. It was quite obvious when she continued to whip her hands on the front of her dress. We all walked up a few flights of grand stairs with a black railing until we reached what seemed to be the third floor of the castle. Julianna looked back to make sure we were still following her as she made a quick left.

"Here is your room Lydia and Rowan. My room is at the end of this hallway to the right in case you need anything." She gave us both smiles before leaving us to get comfortable in the room.

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