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Drops of sweat beaded on Batman's forehead. Brother Eye was not responding to his commands. "Access denied."

The satellite he created to monitor every single metahuman on earth was compromised. The implications were terrifying.

"Master Bruce, your dinner is getting cold." The butler laid a covered tray beside Batman as he sat in front of his monitors in uniform, cowl down.

"You're not Alfred," Bruce scrutinized the man who had supposedly raised him. He looked exactly like Alfred Pennyworth but there was a disturbing cold glint in his eyes.

"Oh, I certainly am. Just not the Alfred you are familiar with," said the butler with an eerie grin.

Bruce's head snapped up as Alfred snatched the controls from his hand and dropped into a portal that opened beneath his feet.

As the portal closed, Bruce dived in, pulling on his cowl as he fell through what seemed like an endless tunnel lined with images of a mirror universe.

After what seemed forever, he emerged in what looked like his Batcave. There was a difference. This cave was owl themed.

A hard blow on the back of his head sent him reeling, falling swiftly into unconsciousness.


Batman's head throbbed as he opened his eyes. His arms were wrapped behind his back in a straight jacket. His cowl was gone. Bruce Wayne was dressed as a patient in an asylum.

He forced himself to a standing position and examined the cell he was in. There was a locked door. The walls were padded.

The door opened.

A petite blonde woman with kindly eyes carrying a clipboard walked in. She wore a name tag bearing her name. Dr. Harleen Quinzel.

"Good morning Bruce," she said as the door closed behind her.

"How long have I been here?" Bruce whispered. His throat was so very dry that his hoarse voice was barely audible.

"Five months three days." The petite blonde gently held a cup of water to his lips.

Slowly, he sipped the soothing liquid as he studied her face. The ever present spark of insanity in the Harley Quinn of his world was missing from this Harley's eyes.

"You were dressed like a Bat and reacted violently when they found you," she gestured at him, justifying the need for the straitjacket and cell.

"Where am I?" He asked.

"Arkham," she replied.

"Which universe?" Bruce probed further.

The doctor sighed. "Whichever universe you think you are in," she smiled in a placating manner.

"It is time for your group therapy," she said as she stuck a needle in his arm.

Sleep overcame him.


He opened his eyes slowly.

His mind was groggy.

Shaking off the haze, realised he was handcuffed to the chair he was sitting on.

Group therapy.

That was what the doctor said before she sedated him.

Around the table with him, also handcuffed to their chairs, were Tim, Alfred (the real Alfred), Damian and Barbara.

"Good to see you, guys," piped Tim, trying to lighten the mood.

"Tttt," Damian replied. "At least we've found Pennyworth."

"I thought it was Carl Sanders," said Barbara.

"He's their hired help with a few others," Tim stated.

"Harley?" Bruce asked.

"She's watching. But she's on our side. This is the best she can do for us," Tim replied.

Apparently, Tim arrived first and had managed to do some sleuthing.

"He's hijacked Brother Eye," Bruce informed them.

"On which world?" Barbara asked.

"Ours," Bruce replied. "We are currently on Earth Three."

"They have also taken your continency plans against the Justice League," Barbara added.

"I have a contingency plan for that. I'll take care of the League. The rest of you disable Brother Eye," said Bruce.

The door opened. "Group therapy ends in five minutes," Harley peeked in and winked.

Picking the locks on their handcuffs, the Bat-family readied themselves.

The lights went off.

Tim picked the lock of the cell. "This way."

Bruce scooped Barbara in his arms.

The group followed Tim through a series of corridors into a room with a mainframe computer.

Barbara hacked into it as the lights went up, opening a portal.

The Bat-family jumped into their ride back home.


Batman has a plan for everything.

Plans in case his insanely powerful team mates turn rogue. They were absolutely necessary given the world ending threat each of them posed if ever under mind control.

Regretfully, these plans if used ruthlessly, could lead to the death of these team mates. Something he personally would never do but should those plans fall into the wrong hands...

That's why he prepared this second set of contingency plans which he kept in this secret safehouse known only to himself.

The nanites in the foam that dehydrated Aquaman indicated that Arthur was on Warworld.

The virus in Cyborg confirmed the exact location.

Activating the motherbox he kept for such a situation, he opened a boom tube.

When the deafening boom faded, he was in an arena.

Kill! Kill! Kill!

The chants from the bloodthirsty spectators crescendoed.

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