Not the Same

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She'd run into 'Javi', her guardian Angel, a couple more times, spotting him hiding in places, trying to pretend like he wasn't watching her every move— but it was his job, she didn't mind it. He was always with a smile on his face, and waved to her whenever he noticed her looking at him, and then she'd blink, and he'd disappear again. His wings were always glowing, violet, and bright, his body and skin iridescent, sometimes, a violet-tinted halo floating over his head, and sometimes normal, completely human— except, the wings, which were always there— the way he had been when she had met him.

It was one awful night, after she'd gotten home, dripping wet, after being caught up in the rain, miserable after being fired from yet another job— she couldn't even keep one at a local McD's without losing it in less than a month— when she found herself face to face with that guy in the white poncho, "Heeellloooo" he tried to be nice. It just wasn't inbuilt in him, so even if he was trying to, he sounded like a condescending bitch, and it annoyed the hell out of her, because his usual 'topics of conversation' happened to be 1. How Amelia was a total and complete failure in life, and 2. How he was such a success, with a PhD in whatever at the age of twenty four, and 3. How the two of them could work things out, because 'balance'. She would've loved to punch him, but he was her landlady's son, and there was literally no other place where she could afford to rent a place on her own, and so she usually just nodded, or made some excuse to go back into her own apartment, a studio one, single bedroom, and lock the door so the obnoxious idiot wouldn't bother her anymore, but tonight, somehow, her key was stuck in the lock, and the voice of the self centred guy saying "Need any help honey muffin?"

"No, Ollie" she rolled her eyes, continued wrestling with the lock, "I'm good" but he seemed to not listen, and took her hand, and tried to turn the lock himself, her hand still in his, and she glared at him, "I didn't ask for your help" he'd always had this habit of never actually asking for consent when it came to physical touch...

That was when Amelia noticed Javi, her 'guardian angel' standing on the far end of the hallway, watching the situation, and she shot him a hopeful glance, which he caught, and chuckled to himself, and raised his fingers, and did a motion, as if he were playing a piano, and she saw some light colored magic strings emerge from it, slight violet tinge around the edges, and she watched as the beams that were probably only visible to her, made their way to Ollie, and seconds later the guy looked dizzy, then confused, and stared at Amelia with a black expression, and finally let go of her hand— looking strangely haunted while he did so— and backed off, scratching his head, kot giving Amelia as much as a second glance, and walking back into his own apartment.

Once he was gone, she giggled and gestured Javi closer to herself, and while he looked hesitant he did come to her, and she pointed at the jammed key, "heeeelpppp"

Javi bit his lip, then grinned at her, "I'm not exactly supposed to use magic in things like this, you know?"

"Then what exactly are you supposed to do, hmm, guardian Angel?" She said, in a teasing voice, and Javi grinned, "provide life changing advise and make sure you don't get abducted by demons I guess" he joked, and she, without much thinking, punched him on the shoulder, and he winced,"ow ow, alright I'm opening the lock" but his tone was playful, and he did some of his angel magic or whatever on the lock and it popped open.

"Wait. Don't go yet" she stopped him just as he was about to disappear again, and he looked at her, puzzled, "Come in, let's talk"

"I'm really not supposed to be talking to you, ya know?" he asked, and she smiled, "what's the worst that could happen? We're just talking, come on! I told ya, your secret's safe with me" she winked, and grabbed his hand, revelling in the sensation of his 'divine' touch once again, and pulled him inside before he could protest.

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