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- What? What the hell are you talking about? He says to me with a look that shows that he's lost.

- You know what? Never mind...
I-I'm going to get a glass of water if you don't mind...

I get up from the bed to head for the door, but apparently there is somebody who is not okay about me leaving.
He holds me by the wrist and says:

- I beg you Fabi talk to me... I don't want to lose you...

It's the first time that he acts like that with me and I must admit that it's kinda disturbing.

- But whether you lose me or not, it wouldn't change anything! I said slightly irritated while removing my wrist from his hand.

- But what are you talking about?

- Claudia opened my eyes! I really thought you were an honest person with a nice personality! But you're actually like everyone else! I said while shedding some tears.

I couldn't hold back all the hate and sadness I had for the man I secretly loved but who didn't love me.

- What did Claudia tell you again? He said in a firm tone.

- Do you really want to know? Well, she showed me a video of you and her kissing and it was from the night before she came and talk to me!

- Fabi I-I-

- No don't call me Fabi! Besides I think it's better for me to leave!

I go to his closet and get my bag, but at that moment I felt arms around my waist and a chin on the top of my head.

- Fabi I beg you... don't leave...

I turn around slowly and push him away slightly.

- Why don't you want me to leave when you're in a completely weird relationship with Claudia... I don't even know if you're a couple or not... I say in a slightly calmer voice than before.

- I have nothing to do with her. She just won't let go of my jacket, that's it.

- How do I know if that's true?

- Are you doubting me?

- Sorry to say, but yes. I have only been in a relationship with one person and that person has made me lost trust in human beings around me...

- Then know that I am not that person because it is not Claudia that I love.

- Who is it then? I say by looking at him in the eyes.

Without expecting it, he took my face between his hands and put his delicate lips on mine.
I answer his kiss and put my hand on his neck.

It felt as if all my problems had disappeared in that small moment.

It was simply him and me, we do not care about the rest.

Unfortunately this moment was broken because we had to separate for lack of breath.

- I love you Fabiola and that since the beginning... He said to me while caressing my cheek with his right thumb and while having his left hand put on my hip.

- But...?

I would like to believe him when he tells me that he loves me. However, there is something that doesn't add up.

- What is it?

- Can I know what exactly you mean by "I love you and that since the beginning"?

He sighed with a smile on his face and lay down on his bed (well, he wasn't completely lying down. His back was against the headboard)

- Are you coming? He said, tapping the empty seat next to him.

I go and sit next to him and he starts his story:

- So... I know you probably won't believe me but... I started to find you interesting when you came by to present your Las Vegas project. I don't know if you remember how you were dressed, but I can tell you that I thought that you were looking great. Then I started to see you more and more in the halls with your trusty headphones that you never let go. He says with a little giggle.
However I knew that you didn't feel good about Claudia and the other people in the school, but I didn't say anything because I didn't want to get involved when we didn't know each other and I was sure that I didn't like you.

- And how did you know that you liked me?

- I just...


𝚈𝚘𝚞'𝚛𝚎 𝙼𝚢 𝙰𝚗𝚐𝚎𝚕, 𝙱𝚊𝚋𝚢... {ENG} Where stories live. Discover now