Chapter 1- Telescope

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It was a cold, cold night out at the membrane's house. High above the stars twinkling, far below the blades of grass swaying, the night still, and quiet. Aside from of course the crickets and such. On this dark evening, on the rooftop sat Professor Membrane, with a few charts and a telescope. The professor had been outside for about 3 hours now as he wrote down the constellations he saw and the planets too.

However just as he was about to wrap up his stargazing for the night, something caught his eye as he adjusted the instrument to look closer.

And what he saw that night caught him off guard, almost like he was in a daze as he stumbled back and rubbed at his eyes, pushing his goggles up a bit to do so.

"What the.."

He muttered softly before looking back to see what he had in fact thought he had seen the first time.
And what was it you may ask?

It was nothing less than an entire fleet of an Alien armada, heading straight for earth.

Flabbergasted, the raven haired scientist felt his entire reality shatter around him.
Nothing could have prepared him for this latest discovery of his, and not only that but it meant something Membrane couldn't believe he was admitting.

His son was right.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2022 ⏰

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