New Character PT.1.

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My Favorite Boy, Kankri. I was so happy that Locadelaspapitas suggested him. Also, this is probably the first and only time that I have updated in the same month, so that much be very excited well here are the first 6 parts for him, I'll post the rest one day. We'll see, anyway thank you Locadelaspapitas for this. Until next time readers ~ Moon


When you meet

A park, that's where you decided to spend your time today. It was peaceful, wasn't too hot nor cold and you were just kind of chillin sitting on the grass. As you sat there you heard a voice, slightly raspy from talking so much. Glancing over to the picnic tables, sat two trolls, one in a cherry red sweater, nubbed horns, black fluffy hair, and the other one with his hair slick back, horns like lighting, and a leather jacket. Not knowing their names, lightening as you decided to call him had an unlit cigarette in his mouth and cherry was rambling keeping complete eye contact with lightning. You couldn't tell what was being said but decided that you should stop staring at them when Cherry pointed at you and Lightening looked at you. Slightly flustered you look away, after a while you dared to look back again but they were gone.

Meeting again

It was only two days that you saw lightning and cherry back at their spot at the picnic tables, sitting where you were the first time you saw them, you didn't notice when lightening came up to you until he tapped your shoulder, "Hey doll, how are you doing?" he said in a very weird accent (Cronus uses doll for any gender, mainly for anyone he is flirting with, let me have my head cannon damn it). "Ummm hi?" you said slightly confused, he smirked at you, that unlit cigarette dangling out of his mouth "Well doll I was wondering if you wanted to you know hang out" he winked at you, and you just felt even more confused. It wasn't until a small cough came from behind him "Cronus, As I would like to point out, what you are doing is very triggering, to them and me. Please leave the person alone, not to assume anything but they look rather confused" he spoke in a very tame raspy voice. Lightening, now known as Cronus looked at him and clicked his tongue "Whatever Kankri, you and your fucking triggers" he muttered before stomping off back to the picnic tables to mutter more shit. Cherry, well Kankri looked towards you with fully white eyes "I am very sorry for my moiral, He can be very triggering at times" he stated bowing slightly, you shake your head and move your hands about "no, no it's okay. I just wasn't understanding what he was saying" you laugh it off, Kankri nods taking in the understanding "Have a great then" he stated before going back to the Picnic tables watching as Cronus gently smacks his head and Kankri went into a lecture.

You realize you like him

You were listening to one of Kankri's lectures at the park, okay you weren't listening. You were shamelessly staring at him, how you just noticed this after months of hanging out with him and how handsome he looked. His grey skin looked flawless, his black fluffy hair framed his face perfectly and would shine like ravens' fathers in the sunlight, and he smelled like apples when the wind blew your way. Don't even get me started on his voice, you could listen to it all the time it was a slightly deep raspy voice that could lull you to sleep, something you wanted in your life forever. Yeah, he wasn't muscular, but you liked him that way, it suited him better, waving his hand around you nod to show that you are still listening to him. When the wind blew his sweater slightly up, that's when you noticed that his pants go up an absurd amount, yeah no. Those thoughts about liking him flew away... JK Nah you just thought he was an adorable dork.

You watch a movie together

Funny enough it was Cronus that invited you to a movie at the drive-in, Kankri wanted to tag along to make sure he didn't do anything to you because he said and you quote ' Cronus doesn't understand to keep his hands to himself, It could be very triggering and I do not stand letting that happen to a new moiral', so here you were sitting in between watching a re-run of grease, Cronus said it was the only good movie on but marvel was also playing so how he could say that (I am a nerd and love marvel, suffer DCers). Kankri would mutter to himself during certain parts, and that's when you deiced you would never watch a movie with Kankri unless you wanted to hear a lecture about the said movie for about 4 hours because that is what happened right after on the walk back home that should have only taken 20 minutes. But he cut it short because it was getting dark out. However, he was kind enough to walk you home.


To be honest, you were very surprised that you just kind of froze. Here you were coming to see Kankri at the park, like you always do, he had a hard time with people in his hive as he called it. When you walked up, you noticed him by himself, which is honestly not surprising but usually, Cronus was somewhere. As you walked up, he was in deep thought before he looked up at you and then got up and hugged you out of nowhere. Now you know about his trigger about touching people, so this was a shock that he didn't say anything or wasn't quick to move, gently hugging him back you notice that his sweater was indeed very soft. After a few minutes, he did leave the hug and nodded "Sorry if that triggered you but Cronus said I should try and step a little bit out of my comfort zone, so I tried and I found. I do not like it very much. Stepping out of my comfort zone, not the hug. I don't want you confused" he mentioned before going straight into a lecture not even giving you time to answer.


Kankri is very respective and very into boundaries, so he mostly uses your name or a shortened version of it if you're okay with it. And he expects you to do the same, but he did get flustered when you called him Kan for the first time.

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