Chapter V

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Team did not know how long they were just sitting there, while he was staring at Win without even saying a single word. Win must think that he was a complete idiot, but the older was just smiling at him. This god-damn smile, Team thought. "Do you want something to drink?" Win asked nicely. Team couldn't even comprehend what Win said, because he was too distracted by the man's beauty. "Team? Aren't you feeling well?" Win asked worriedly. "No, I mean. I am ok. Sorry" the boy apologized shyly. "No problem. I asked if you want something to drink" Win nicely said. A few minutes later both received their drinks. Win thanked the waiter with a polite smile and took a sip of his drink. Team did the same. "Do you like it?" the older asked. "It tastes really good" Team replied and took another sip. "So..your phone.." Team had already forgotten why he came in the first place. To get his phone back. "Right. Thanks for keeping it" he said when Win put it into his hand. "No problem. I am glad I was able to give it back to you. And don't worry. I didn't read your texts" he jokingly said. Win's smile did something to Team he couldn't really understand. But he could feel it because suddenly his heart began beating faster in his chest.

"I have to admit something to you" Win suddenly said, which brought Team back to reality. "W..what is it?" the boy shyly asked and could feel his cheeks getting red. "I wanted to see you again" Win almost whispered. Team could feel his body getting hot. What does that mean, he "wanted to see him again"? "You know that Dean is my best friend. And..he is also your best friend's boyfriend." Team did not know what Win was trying to say. "Yes. I guess. But what does that have to do with me?" he asked the older. "Well, my friend Dean seems like a total coldhearted jerk, but he is actually really romantic. He asked me to plan something for him and his boyfriend. What was his name, again? Phan? No.." "Pharm" Team said. "Yes, right. Pharm. You see, Dean is not really creative when it comes to things like that so he asked me to help him plan something for his little Pharm. He told me that you are his best friend, and..since we got along pretty well last time, I thought you could help me plan something. After all, no one knows Pharm as well as you do, am I right?"  So that was the reason he called him. That was the reason he wanted to see him again. Not because he missed him. Not because Team made an impression on him. Not because he wanted to see him again, but just because he needed his help, or better "Dean" needed his help. Team did not know why, but deep inside he felt disappointed. Did he really think, that this man was in any way interested in him? Why should he? Win was so good-looking. He was nice, smart, funny..everything Team wasn't. Why would someone like Win be interested in someone like him? And... why does it even matter? Team has a girlfriend, a fiancee after all.

"So tell me something about Pharm. What does he like?" Win asked with a huge smile on his face, that Team could think he was the one interested in his friend. "Ehm, he likes to cook and make desserts," Team said. "Desserts. Interesting. Is he good at it?" Win asked curiously. "Yes. He is really amazing" Team raved with a proud smile. "I see. Unfortunately, Dean is not really skilled at cooking or baking" Win laughed. "I think if he tries his best, Pharm will love it anyway. He really loves P'Dean." Win softly smiled. "I am glad Dean found someone" he gently said. "He had a hard time before he met Pharm. He is so in love with him." Team was staring at the ground when his thoughts got interrupted by the voice of the other. "But whom do I tell that?" Win asked with a soft smile on his lips. "What?" Team asked confused. "Well, you're the one being engaged after all."

Team didn't even think about his fiancee until Win had mentioned her. "So, does that are single?" Team asked, trying not to sound too happy about it. Win smiled at him. "Why? Do you know a girl to pair me off with?" the blonde said. Team immediately shook his head. "No, I mean, that was not what I.." Win started laughing. "Don't worry. I was just joking. Besides.." Win licked his lips and Team could feel his eyes wandering over his body. He moved closer until Team could feel his hot breath on his ear. He closed his eyes, hoping that Win couldn't hear how loud his heart was beating in his chest. "..I am more .." Team didn't know if he was hallucinating. Did he just..? "Win? Is that you?" he heard someone calling from behind. Win turned around and smiled. "Hey, Sam. Don't you have to work today?" he smiled and hugged the girl. "No, I don't. I missed you" the girl said while hugging him. Team couldn't help, but somehow seeing them hug felt like someone was stabbing him with a knife. What was he even thinking? Win had a girlfriend. Of course, he did. Why would someone as good-looking as Win be single? That doesn't make any sense. And why would he even care? Team has a fiancee at home. He was a "soon-to-be-married" man. But still..Something in him was sad knowing that Win was not single.

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