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-------/////Henry's P.O.V------///////
I woke up to my whiz watch triple beeping so I yawned and instantly jumped out of my window and ran to junk n' stuff. I hesitantly stepped in the elevator and pressed the down button. As the elevator dropped I screamed my head off. When the elevator doors opened I was sitting on the floor in a ball I heard Ray laughing and I instantly stood up. "Why did you call me?" I asked trying to get his mind off what I just did. "Oh yeah a girl just got kidnapped!" "What? Really?" "Do you really think I would make this up Henry?" Ray questioned. "No but do you know where she is?" "Yeah we should get going."

--------/////KERRY'S P.O.V///////---------
My eyes open to see a man with a black mask staring at my face! I instantly scream which makes the man flinch. I smile triumphantly at making him flinch. I try to stand up but fail as I realiz that I'm tied by the waist to this metal uncomfortable chair. I think I'm sitting in a loby of some sort.

The man then punches me with full force in my gut. I gasp for air "what was that for!" I holler at him.

I rub my temple (my arms aren't tied down, just my waist) and try to remember how I got here. I was walking home from school with my boyfriend Joel a.k.a roomie when I hear Joel scream "run!" And dash in the opposite direction. I'm about to turn and go after him when I was grabbed at the waist and dragged backwards. I don't remember anything after that. He probably knocked me out.

As I sit in shock I watch Captain Man and Kid Danger burst through the door! I've seen them on the news they're supposedly amazing! Kid danger stares at me making me blush but he shakes it off. He runs over to me and cuts the rope with a laser which I must say was sooooo amazing!! He lifts me up gracefully as Captain Man drags the lunatic who captured and punched me out of the room after he beat the crap out of him! Kid Danger walks me home as I give him directions. He hasn't said one word to me which is kinda weird. When we arrive at my house he awkwardly waves goodbye and walks away. I slowly walk up to my room and stare out my window watching Kid Danger walk away.

-------/////Author's note/////////--------
Hey guys I really hope you like my first ever chapter🎉🎊🎉🎊 sorry it's short but the next chapter will be in Henry's point of view. Don't forget to vote and comment Ilyasm💋

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