Chapter 24: Divine Library

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The cold night air ripped through my lungs. The moon lit the smoke rising from the smothered flames with a silver radiance. Shadows lay scattered across the grassy hillside like large lumps of coal. As I examined the still body of Abelie, there was no preparation for what I would see. In those seconds, I collected more reasons to hate Jeff Vittorio—to swear revenge. I glanced away, unable to look at her any longer. Ehno was assessing Lucia's wounds. She was sitting up without any help, so that was a good sign. The two whispered softly to each other, and for the first time I saw the love and tenderness as Ehno's fingers trekked across her cheek.


Everything seemed to be in slow motion, even when I turned to meet Andrew's electric blue eyes. It was as if his soul burned through, showing his concern. His arms outstretched, almost as if he didn't know what to expect from me. A powerful force pulled me toward him. His palms cupped my face as his thumbs rubbed away the onslaught of my tears. I hadn't even realized I'd been crying.

"Shh," he whispered and put his lips to my forehead. I melted into him. Andrew caught me and held me firmly against his chest.

"Your eyes are blue," I said numbly.

"When an angel feels an extreme emotion, it's shown by the color of the eyes."


I felt safe in his arms, which made it all too easy to focus on Abelie. She was dead. Gone. It wasn't fair. It just wasn't. It was only moments—just a handful a minutes—that I had her, and now she was...lifeless. The quiet scene was disrupted by Aiden's piercing cries, the sound like a sorrowful requiem. Each shuddering breath he took in was echoed by the surrounding angels. I turned to look at Abelie, and once again, I turned away, not willing to comprehend her end.

They should've let me go. This was entirely my fault.

A Shadow moved in the moonlight, and anger boiled to the surface again. I pushed away from Andrew and stormed toward the moving form. My breathing hitched. In the back of my head, I noted no one stopped me. They probably didn't want to. Fire burst from the Shadow's clenched fists as he started to rise. The moon cast an odd shadow over the creature as I positioned myself over him.

"Stay down!" I screamed, spittle flying into his face, my mind lost to the fire. Power surged, so strong it only took one flick of my finger to knock him down.

The Shadow fell back, and his eyes widened. He started to speak, but I stole his voice with a wave of my hand as easily as he stole mine. I pivoted to see stunned looks on several faces. The angels' eyes were all blue; even Lucia's were more like sapphires than the shallowest of oceans I was used to.

"They won't stay like this forever," I said.

Lucia was on her feet, though her posture exhibited the beating she'd received. Aiden brought Abelie into his arms and cradled her like she was a newborn child. Joseph was covered in soot; his once pristine suit wrinkled and dirty. Again, I noted how well he accepted his circumstances. Or maybe he was that good at hiding his emotions.

Andrew approached me with his hand outstretched. "I think it's time we leave." He nodded behind me where several Shadows were reorienting themselves.

I turned, pointed at the lumps of charcoal. "Down," I said. "Freeze." A couple of them sat hard, one froze in place. But it wasn't enough. There were too many of them moving, and soon we would be overwhelmed.

"Let's get out of here." Andrew grabbed my hand, and the electric current flowed between us once again.

Several Shadows rose. Dark lumps in the night towering, hungry. The grounds lit with their fire, spreading like a disease.

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