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October 29, 1928

He hugged the pathetic rags closer to his body, still not used to the chill even after residing there his whole life. His left hand struggled to cradle a stack of paper as it was exposed to the piercing atmosphere. He craved for even a moment of leather, or anything besides the tatters he calls his jacket, wrapped around his torso.

He envied the people who walked past him, laughing and conversing as if there was not a care in their world of luxurious furs and expensive overcoats. The people who'd attend all the parties because they were invited, the people who had chauffeurs to drive them to those parties, the people who lived lives that consisted of waking up, earning money by doing nothing, then going back to sleep. The people who didn't have to sell newspapers to earn food on their plate.

Sometimes, he'd have those times daydreaming about a stranger coming up to him and giving him five more than his typical amount, but he ends up scoffing and reality hits him; as if anyone would do that for a newspaper. To the affluent societies, Niall James Horan was absolute trash; no one would spare a second glance at him, even if they were to hand him the newspapers he'd dropped on his way to his destination. Niall was just gum on the sidewalk, muck on their polished, hundred dollar heels.

If people did happen to focus their attentions on him, their faces would twist in disgust and they would scurry further away from the eighteen year old. If Niall was someone like them, wealthy and a norm to the wicked civilization, he wouldn't treat the poor like shit. He wouldn't walk away and leave the person in shame. He wouldn't give a damn if it'd ruin his prosperous reputation. He'd waste a minute of his time and hand the person as much as two dollars because he knows how hard it is.

All this had a small possibility of happening, but he was just a miserable paper boy hiding in the shadows of tall figures.

Niall definitely tried his best to be kind to everyone he encountered; it was just in his nature. Manners were incredibly important to him and he always made sure his first impressions were good to prevent any more repugnant remarks directed towards him.

He rubbed his right hand against his deplorable excuse of trousers mainly because the previously thick fabric that shielded his hand from the wind had reduced to ripped holes. He walked by a television store once and heard that rubbing your hands together caused friction, a way to warm the bare phalanges. He obviously took this fact to heart and stashed it at the back of his head, knowing that it'd be in use someday.

His face only displayed a solemn expression, as it always did on his way to work. There was no point in showing happiness when he didn't have it in him. Then again, he was not sad either.

Niall looked up at the sky and dark clouds hovered above him, signalling an upcoming dreary change in weather. His pace quickened.

He finally reached the spot within a couple of minutes. It was nearby the Fareview corner store, a crowded site; and a crowded site meant a better chance of getting some dough. He regularly came by here to sell his product, but he also traveled to different areas so within time, he managed to memorize the entire borough. He rushed over and set the heavy newspapers down. Sitting down was not something he did when selling the papers so he leaned against the wall with one clutched in his hands.

He took off his cap, the cap that is in memory of his brother. Niall never forgave him for what happened, but it was nice having a cap to rid of his loneliness in the populous sidewalks of Manhattan.

He knew that he was getting too old to be a paper boy, but it was the only source for the change in his pockets and food in his stomach.

A lady in a pink uniform walked past Niall humming the tune of 'Dardanella' and Niall's foot started tapping to the beat.

Niall loved music. It was a passion of his greatly adored. His mother used to sing him a certain song as a young boy and the lyrics stuck in his mind as if it were his life story. Sometimes, while strolling by the Broadway theatre, he often listened to performers rehearsing before running away from the angry guards yelling, "If ya'd like to listen, buy a ticket ya worthless bum!" He didn't take the words to heart as it was one of the many insults he was used to.

He looked around casually like he always does when nobody wanted a newspaper until something caught his eye. He didn't see it moments before, but it gleamed as if it were magic, as if everything around it were black and white and the object in colour.

A book.

Niall's brother, Greg, used to read it to him every night to get him to fall asleep. Restlessness always got the best of Niall, but every time a quote from L. Frank Baum novel left Greg Horan's lips, the younger one was out like a light bulb. Greg was up early one morning and decided to snatch a book from a nearby library to keep his sibling entertained. Niall treasured the book like a candy bar even though back then, he barely understood it. He loved how the unlikely group formed a companionship and went on a mission to defeat the Wicked Witch of The West. The story gave him excitement, something that he had not felt in a long period of time.

"Get your newspapers here," His American accent hinted Irish undertones, booming with fake enthusiasm.

Every day, before arriving to his stop, he travelled to a place where editors rushed and publishers ran wild. He'd grab the fresh stack of the day and distribute them at his spot. Sometimes, he'd even get tips from the receptionists behind the counter that answered boring phone calls and arranged appointments.

Niall sighed and shouted some more, hoping to gain attention with the next words that come out of his mouth. He did this sometimes when no one would buy his newspapers and nothing major happened on that day.

"Extra! Extra!"

A man seemingly in his late fifties stopped in front of the blonde haired boy and swirled his cane.

"What's the damage, kid?"

"A nickel please; that's all I need."

The man gave the boy a dime.

Author's Note || Sorry if this was boring and short! I just wanted y'all to get a taste of what Niall's life is like! :) 'Dardanella' is at the top if you'd like to listen to it! As always, thank you so much for reading and voting and commenting. You guys are the best!!! <33

(I will probably post the first chapter in 12 years ok bye)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2015 ⏰

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