Chapter 1

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Ok so Harry and Amelia are 1 at this time Lillian/Lilly was 21 when she died so she was 20 when she got pregnant Petunia will be pretty young as well so these are the ages.

Dudley-2 months old

Petunia steps outside awake 30 minutes before her husband Vernon like every day when she see's a baby carrier with two babies on the inside. "Oh dear god." She said before rushing them inside seeing the note that lay on the sleeping babies. "A note." She said and picked it up it was addressed to her.

"Dear Petunia Dursley,
My name is Albus Dumbledore , headmaster at Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry. I am sorry to inform you of the recent event where your sister Lilly Potter has passed away same as her husband James Potter. They were recently murdered in their house leaving twins Amelia Lillian Potter and Harry James Potter alive and sleeping peacefully. Please take care of them seeing as they no longer have any living relatives besides the grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Evans.

Albus Precivle Wulfrick Brian Dumbledore."

Petunia's eyes started to get watery her sister, her younger sister was dead she had been murdered and in front of her lay her niece and nephew. Then Harry started opening his eyes and she saw the green. She smiled fondly he had her sister's eyes and Amelia seemed to have everything about her sister. Vernon came downstairs and heard sniffling "Petunia dear are you okay?" He asked "Vernon. She's dead, Lilly's dead." She cried and he walked over putting his hand on her shoulder. "What do you mean?" He asked "I got a letter. My sister and her husband were murdered their asking if we can watch over them." Petunia whispered and Vernon looked down at the two now awake babies as they held each other. "If that's what you want Petunia." He said and walked back upstairs to get ready for work. Petunia looked down at the twins who were eating their hands.

3 years later
"Harry Potter come back here this instant." Petunia said and Harry walked over. "You can't run off with forks in your hands ok?" She asked holding Dudley her 3 year old. "Yes Auntie Tuney." Harry said before walking/waddling off with it.

2 years later
6 year old Harry and Amelia were now running hand in hand playing outside as neighbors were about to come by. "Harry, Amelia time to come inside." Petunia said and they turned around rushing back. "Aunt Petunia are they here?" Amelia asked "Yes dear head inside you two." Petunia said and they walked in "Oh who are these little angels?" The woman who just moved in down the street Mary asked "These children here are Petunia's niece and nephew brought in and raised going on 5 years now." Another neighbor Tom said "Ah so you two are?" Mary asked "I'm Harry and this is-" Harry started "-His younger twin sister Amelia were 6." Amelia finished smiling "Nice to meet you. If you don't mind me asking what about your parent's?" Mary asked and the room went quiet "Their parents my sister and brother-in-law were killed when they were one I took them in after." Petunia said walking out of the kitchen Harry and Amelia ran still holding hands over to Dudley and they played for the rest of the night before Harry and Amelia went to their room to sleep.

3 years later
"Happy birthday!" Dudley yelled to his cousin's "Thank you Dudley." Amelia the more mature of the two said "Is uncle Vernon still not here?" Harry asked looking around "No dad said work was more important today but don't take it to heart." Dudley said and Harry nodded "I guessed." Amelia said "Yeah not that surprised but Lia were 9 now." Harry said and Dudley smiled at her "Yeah let's go enjoy your guys's birthday." Dudley said.

2 years later
"Harry can you get the mail?" Petunia asked and Harry nodded getting up from the dining chair. Harry silently grabbed it then walked out to them "Here." He said keeping two "Here you go Lia." Harry said and handed her one of the letters. He sat and opened his own

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